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他们挖掉杂草。They dug out the weeds.

么有花园无杂草。No garden lacking weeds.

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我计划今天除院子里的杂草…I plan to weed the yard today.

草坪上长满了杂草。The lawn was grown with weeds.

就像是长满杂草的花园。Is like a garden full of weeds.

这“莠”是指杂草。The "you" here refers to weeds.

杂草只不过是长错地方罢了。A weed is only a misplaced plant.

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花园工人拔除了杂草。The gardener pulled up the weeds.

本种是一根令人讨厌的杂草。This species is a troublesome weed.

杂草是在无人照料情况下生长的。The weeds grow without people to help.

我们拔除了稻丛间的杂草。We picked out the weeds among the rice.

请帮助我们拔除这些杂草。You might help us pull out these weeds.

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他们拔除了稻丛间的杂草。They picked out the weeds among the rice.

我给草坪施了肥又除了杂草。I fertilized the lawn and nuked the weeds.

羊多草缺,所以麦地里没有杂草。The sheep usually graze in the grass land.

翻地前所有的杂草都被烧光了。The weeds were scorched before ploughing.

他挥动镰刀嗖嗖地割掉了杂草的草尖。He swished the tops off weeds with a sickle.

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他的钓丝和杂草缠在一起了。His fishing-line got fouled up in the weeds.

我的钓鱼线同杂草纠缠在一同。My fishing line got entangled in some weeds.

这块地上的杂草应该先除干净。The ground should first be cleared of weeds.