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这家公司亏空3000美元。The company had a deficit of$3000.

我们的教育亏空太大,不容忽视。Our education deficit is too wide to ignore.

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我们的确是在亏空操作,但是我们的经济至少是在发展。Ok, we are running at a deficit but at least it is expanding too.

早不中,晚不中,偏奖池亏空,你中奖。Early, late, partial progressive deficit, you win a prize in a lottery.

言下之意是客户资金不存在真正意义上的亏空。The implication was that there was no meaningful shortfall in client funds.

这是一个巨大的经济体和一个亏空的国家,所以之间总有一些杠杆效应。It's the larger economy and the deficit country, so it does have some leverage.

是时候正视我们全国的赤字亏空了。Time to take a more welcoming look at the national deficit commission? I think so.

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现行的奖金制度,给“利润”支付了数十亿的奖金后,“利润”又变成了亏空,这样的奖金制度竟然还纹丝未动。The bonus system that paid out billions for "profits" that later turned into losses is intact.

取消对房屋税收的妥协会有助于控制亏空和加速平衡。Getting rid of the tax concessions for housing would help both control the deficit and speed up rebalancing.

同时,政府资金的亏空也为他从先前提出的政府救助案中摆脱出来提供了绝佳的借口。Meanwhile, the empty government coffers provide a perfect excuse to escape from his more pork-laden commitments.

国内亏空公款和贪污情形颇严重,人们往往质疑赈灾捐款使用是否得当。Chinese are naturally suspicious of how the relief money is used, given many reports of embezzlement and corruption.

银行也因此赢得了时间解决坏账问题,以高额贷款利润填补资金亏空。That buys them time to earn their way out of a bad-debt problem, using their high lending profits to replenish capital.

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当然,大多数首席官不需要矿山救援行动,但人都要将公司拉出财务亏空的黑洞。To be sure, most CEOs will not have to coordinate a mine rescue, but many have to dig companies out of financial holes.

由于这项亏空,忧心忡忡的全球曼氏金融的客户要拿回其全部资金可能需要几周甚至数月的时间。Because of the shortfall, it could take weeks or even months for anxious MF Global customers to get all their money back.

阿根廷政府拒绝靠借外债而靠发行大量纸币来填补财政亏空和贸易赤字,恶化了经济形势。The Argentine government then exacerbated the situation by refusing to borrow in order to cover its budget and trade deficits.

但是红十字会的发言人乔纳森艾肯并没有因此而指责经济低迷给钱库亏空带来了什么影响。他指责的对象是美国大选。But Red Cross spokesman Jonathan Aiken doesn't blame the economic downturn for the charity's empty pocketbook. He blames the election.

但浩勤为了执行道行所托付的任务,决定在公司亏空公款,以便进入监狱接近欢喜。But HaoQin in order to perform at the task entrusted, decided to hole public funds in the company, to get into prison close to rejoice.

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金融市场的混乱也迫使投资者抛售部分黄金,以弥补投资组合中其他方面的亏空。The financial-market turmoil also forced investors to sell some of their gold holdings in a bid to cover losses in other segments of their portfolios.

在提升生产力、稳妥地缩小储蓄与资本亏空之间的差距、或者为中低收入阶层提供最需要的帮助方面,预算案给出的是零计划。There is zero plan to lift growth, credibly close the savings and capital deficit, or deliver much-needed assistance to low- and middle-income New Zealand.

最后计算了各船闸输入冗余率和输出亏空率,为江苏船闸管理部门决策提供参考。The input redundancy rate and output deficiency rate are also calculated which could be referred to Jiangsu shiplock manage department when making decisions.