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柔和侍人,始终如一。Be gentle with other, always.

每天,到点后就开始阅读,始终如一,即便只是短短的5-10分钟,也会有好的收获。Even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes.

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我们党的政策是始终如一的。The policy of our Party is consecutive.

可它的心在深深的海底,却始终如一。But whose heart is at bottom unchanging.

蒲柏总是四平八稳、始终如一、温文尔雅。Pope is always smooth, uniform, and gentle.

它每天始终如一,永不变心。It remains consistent and never break faith.

然而,这些法律并非始终如一地实施。The laws are, however, spottily implemented.

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乐成来自于始终如一和吃苦。Success comes from persistence and hard work.

假如你想要成功,那你一定要始终如一。If you want to succeed, you must be congruent.

它每天始终如一,永不变心。It can be consistent and never change its heart.

王告诉李他尊重李作为一个始终如一,有坚持的男人。Wang told Lee he respects him as a consistent man.

你的职业动机始终如一并且坚持不懈。Your career motivation is constant and relentless.

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他那始终如一的耐性、好脾气、奉献精神等。His unfailing Patience, good humour, devotion, etc.

我们也需要与上帝共度时光-始终如一。We also need to spend time with God – consistently.

他是中国人民始终如一的朋友。He has been a consistent friend to the Chinese people.

按照吉姆的意见并且始终如一地追求自己的目标。Follow Jim’s advice and be consistent in pursuing your goals.

它每天始终如一,永不变心。It remains consistent every day, and never changes its heart.

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你应该保持你的域名和URL结构始终如一。You should always keep your domain and URL structure consistent.

除了一些留下来的标记之外,它的袭击方式也是始终如一的。In addition to some markings, its method of attack is consistent.

好的,我发现-,我发现大家的观点都始终如一。Good. And I notice-- And I notice there is consistency among people.