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垃圾食品已经成为社会意识的一部分Part of the social scene.

我是指不完全是靠社会意识I mean not a complete social construction.

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带有社会意识的街舞音乐渐渐成为世界流行的一种音乐。Socially conscious hip-hop has become a popular form of music around the world.

据称,这是因为女孩更具社会意识,一定程度上会影响父亲。That is because girls are more socially conscious, which influences their fathers.

人们普遍认为在家教育孩子会错失孩子的社会意识。The widespread concern is that a home-educated child misses out on"socialisation".

这一代人试图在他们的决策过程中加入社会意识。This generation attempts to be socially conscious in their decision-making process.

“泛雕塑”作为一种艺术概念来看,是具有当代社会意识,以及方法论意义的。As a conception of Pan Sculpture, it is with significative and methodology meanings.

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社会意识的结构是两重性和两层性的统一。The structure of social consciousness is unified by the duplicity and dual-structure.

他们有清醒的社会意识并且认为自己是一股不可忽视的力量。They're socially conscious and think they're a force to be reckoned with in politics.

每代人是被其社会意识,以及某一社会事件对其产生的影响而定义的。A generation is defined by its social consciousness and how it is impacted by a social event.

强烈的社会意识能促进社会的和谐与稳定,当然也包括我们个人意识。A strong sense of community promotes both stability and harmony, but subsumes the individual.

拓荒者对马有嗅觉,对赌牌有心得,对金钱有意识,却唯独没有社会意识。The pioneer had horse sense, and card sense, and money sense, but not a particle of social sense.

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具有社会意识并且和有人道主义理想的高尚团队合作。You are socially conscious and work well with high-minded groups with strong humanitarian ideals.

许鞍华拍摄过许多有关被遗忘的香港市民、反映社会意识的电影,本片也属于这一类型。Ms. Hui adds another film about Hong Kong's forgotten citizens to her long list of socially conscious movies.

一旦通往到社会意识之门打开,将企业精神贯穿于其间,改变就成为现实!Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change.

与母亲的朋友进行一番沟通后,一副勤勉、有社会意识、溺爱孩子的母亲形象跃然而出。Interviews with her mother's friends revealed a picture of a doting parent who was industrious and civic-minded.

宾州州立大学的青少年社会意识发展的教授康妮˙佛纳根。Connie Flanagan, a professor of youth civic development at Penn State, examines how kids look out for one another.

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许多优秀的壁涂作品突然变得更加尖锐和铿锵有力,更加富有社会意识,更具挖苦性。Much of the best wall writings suddenly became more pointed and articulate, more socially conscious, more sarcastic.

你不会再去养一只普通的狗,这种动物的智力和社会意识水平非常惊人。You would never go back to an ordinary dog. The level of intelligence and social awareness in these animals is staggering.

科学家认为杏仁核作为人脑中的“机动门”扮演着社会意识以及记忆力的链接角色。The scientists think that the amygdala may act as a gateway connecting the social and memory processing parts of our brain.