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是航空信还是平信?Air mail or ordinary mail?

她寄了封平信给他。She sent him a surface letter.

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不需要,用平信寄就可以了。No, just send it by regular mail.

我寄平信。需要多久时间到达?How long does it take by regular mail?

这封信我要寄平信。I will send this letter by ordinary mail.

您是寄平信还是寄特快专递?You want to send it by ordinary mail or by EMS?

我们通常与在国外的本国人民用平信联系。We usury correspond with OUr people abroad in clear.

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招致能放大和动力化平信。The insanity can magnify and motorize the snail mail.

你想寄一封平信还是挂号信?Do you wish to send it as an ordinary or registered letter ?

寄一封平信到北京的标准空邮收费是多少?What's the standard rate to send a letter to Beijing by air?

到中国去的平信要靠船运。而船的航班是不定期的。Ordinary mail to China goes by boat and the sailings are irregular.

以前我们寄平信,现在你们交换即时短信。We used to send letters. Now you trade text messages instantaneously.

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往上海寄封平信需要贴多少钱的邮票?How much is the postage for sending a surface mail letter to Shanghai.

平信约需一星期,快信需要四至五天。It takes about a week by general delivery and four or five days by express.

在数字化时代,写一封老式的平信给朋友,绝对可以让他高兴一整天。In the digital age , writing an old fashioned , snail mail letter to a friend will surely make his day.

既然还有两周才是圣诞节,那我就使用平信的方式来邮寄这些卡片。Since there are still a couple of weeks before Christmas, I think I will simply send these greeting cards by surface.

中华邮政限时专送邮件,并不全比平信快,但收费较贵,您认为合理吗?Chunghwa Post charges special delivery more than ordinary mails, while the delivery speed is not better. Is it reasonable?

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如以平信寄递发生遗失或迟误而致无法报名者,责任由申请人自行负责。If any application form is lost and delayed due to sending by ordinary mails, the applicant shall take the responsibility.

但是纳米专家们已经展示了一种极小的圣诞卡,在一枚平信邮票上就能放超过8000个!But nanotechnology experts have unveiled a Christmas card so small that more than 8, 000 of them could fit on a first-class stamp.

我同意你的说法。我还记得在大学时候每个礼拜给家里写一封信。现在电子邮件几乎取代了平信了。I agree with you. I still remembered that I wrote a letter to my family once a week when in university. Wemail nearly replaces snail mail.