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他的上司怒火冲天。His boss was purple with rage.

不一会儿火光冲天,这是我最喜欢看见的情景。Flaming in a short time, this is I most like to see.

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雅典的天空如此蔚蓝,那是因为冲天斗志的感染。Athens sky so blue, it is because up to fight infection.

霎时我怒火冲天,正要破口大骂时,我听到了开门的声音。I came very close to swearing when I heard the door open.

烟雾越来越浓,四处火舌冲天。The smoke grew thicker and I could see flames all around.

拥有冲天炉、电炉、行车等设备。Cupola owned, electric furnace, traffic and other equipment.

激斗结束!释放、最后的月牙冲天!Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Release, the Final Getsuga Tensho!

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无焦冲天炉有很多优势,但也有致命弱点。The cokeless cupolas had many superiority, but a fatal weakness.

齐国率先擂起了冲天的战鼓,士兵像洪水般冲过来。Qi took the lead to beat drum. Soldiers rushed over like a flood.

介绍了冲天炉加料自动控制系统。The automatic control system of the cupola feeding is introduced.

摩托车被点燃,耀眼的火焰冲天而起。Motorbikes were set on fire, sending bursts of bright flame skyward.

酒吧镜子这立方米以下的冲天炉,三面的座位。The bar mirrors this cubic cupola below, with seating on three sides.

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网形图是指导冲天炉熔炼操作的重要工具。Copula net diagram is an important tool for guiding the cupola operation.

大圣见了,“嗖”的一声飞起,变作一只大鹚老,冲天而去。Just in time, Wu-k'ung changed from a sparrow to a crow and flew up to the sky.

据报道,多达3400个建筑物被摧毁,200次火光冲天。There were reports of asmany as 3, 400 buildings destroyed and 200 fires raging.

冲天炉至今仍是铸铁生产最主要的熔炼设备。Cupola is the most inportant melting equipment for production cast iron up to now.

德萨扎太太的女房东怒火冲天,她告诉佐伊说,德萨扎太太的租金已拖欠好多日子了。Mrs. D'Souza's irate landlady informed ZOE that Mrs. D'Souza's rent was well overdue.

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在火光冲天和夷为平地的城市里,我们日日夜夜直接经受着战争的破坏。In the burning and devastated cities we daily experienced the direct impact of the war.

介绍冲天炉熔化常见故障的种类,产生原因以及排除方法。Common failure types in cupola melting, their reasons and removal methods was described.

介绍了国内外冲天炉熔炼控制技术的发展状况。This article introduces the development of cupola melting technology at home and abroad.