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展览品陈列于五个大厅。They're displayed in five halls.

零售店店主陈列他的商品。The storekeeper exposed his wares.

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视觉陈列中色彩的运用Using Color in Visual Merchandising

请您进入陈列厅。Please get into the exhibition halls.

所有的新专辑都陈列在那边。Where can I find Madonna’s new album?

视觉陈列中色彩的运用Tips on Effective Visual Merchandising

展览品分别陈列于不同的大厅。Exhibits are placed in different halls.

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她就读于一所陈列设计学校。She attended a school of display design.

那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。The fabric was displayed on a wired stand.

这个馆陈列的是玉器和陶器。This hall exhibits jade ware and ceramics.

沿途崋逦灿烂陈列甜羙幻像。Brilliant display along sweet illusion Gao.

西部日本产业和贸易陈列协会。West Japan Industry &Trade Exhibition Assn.

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这个博物馆里陈列着一条九尾鞭。A cat-o'-nine-tails displayed in the museum.

证据被陈列在陪审团面前。Evidences were set out in front of the jury.

这些项目是根据其首要性陈列的。The items are listed in order of importance.

画廊中所陈列的图画或雕刻。The paintings or sculptures exhibited there.

鞋子陈列在一个玻璃橱窗里。The shoes were displayed in a glass cabinet.

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博物馆老是陈列一些老古董。A cat-o'-nine-tails is displayed in the museum.

他的绘画现陈列在美术馆中。His pictures are on display at the art gallery.

这里还陈列着两幅拉斐尔的肖像画作品.Raphael also painted two of the portraits here.