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这里有水獭吗?Otters? There are otters here?

野狼,黑熊,水獭,火龙,白鸽。Wolf, bear, and otter, dragon, dove.

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水獭在这里过着何等僻隐的生活啊!How retired the otter manages to live here!

赫敏的守护神是一只水獭。Hermione's Patronus turns out to be an otter.

她把我的黑呢上衣镶上了水獭领。She collared my black wool coat with otter pelts.

水獭是全身长毛、以鱼为食的水生动物。Otter is a fur-covered, fish-eating aquatic animal.

从脚下一直望到天边,一只水獭也不见。Not an Otter to be seen, as far as the distant horizon.

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水鼠和水獭相互对视一下,然后笑了起来。The Rat and the Otter looked at each other and laughed.

我喜欢帮助鲸鱼、水獭和海豚。I like to help the whales, the otters, and the dolphins.

獭皮,水獭之皮,为珍贵动物皮革。Otter skin, otter's skin, for the precious animal leather.

你让我想起一只棕色的老鼠,也许是一只受惊吓的水獭。You remind me of a brown mouse, or perhaps a frightened otter.

你知道在斯坦福德哪儿能看到水獭嬉戏吗?Do you know anywhere in Stamford where you can see otters play?

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鹰击长空,水獭戏水,那是米诺尔人的家乡。The eagles fly and the otters play, In the land of the Seminole.

海狸居住在陆地而水獭居住在海洋沿岸水域。Beaver upon the Land and Otter along the coastal waters of the ocean.

Carin说,童年时,水獭就是她最喜欢的动物。Carin told us that when she was a little girl, otter was her favorite animal.

在这过程中,水獭宝宝全程酣睡,身上的毛都没怎么沾着水。In this process, the whole baby otters sleep, no body hair how stained water.

因其皮毛绒密柔软,酷似水獭,故在我国通称为獭兔。Because of their dense soft fur fabric, like otters, it is known as Rex Rabbit.

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似麝香的由别的动物,如水獭或者麝香猫,分泌的相似的促胰液素。A similar secretion produced by certain other animals, such as the otter or civet.

但每次我入水之后,我又像一只水獭一样快乐、无忧无虑。However, once I managed to cannonball in, I was as happy and carefree as an otter.

一只名叫新星的水獭成了她名单上的首位受益者。An otter called Xin Xing meaning the new star became the number one on her hit list.