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要依风去追逐爱者的行踪。To chase trace track of love with wind.

也许你我终将行踪不明。Maybe you and I will eventually missing.

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她目前的行踪仍然不明。Her present whereabouts is still unknown.

他猜测渊嘉利的行踪。He is wondering of Yeongaryo's whereabout.

她目前的行踪仍然不明。Her present whereabouts is still nameless.

至今没有找到有关他行踪的线索。No clue to his whereabouts has been found.

例如,如何杀死行踪迷离的鹿?For example, how to kill that elusive deer?

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到底是什麽东西洩露了张锡铭的行踪?In the end is what leaked Chang's whereabouts?

来信中对这颗植物的描述是“一株行踪不定的植物”。Letter to this plant described as "an elusive plant."

受污染粘土的行踪一直查到了一个膨润土矿。The contaminated clay was traced to a bentonite mine.

我哭过,我担心她的行踪和安全。I cried, and worried about her safety and whereabouts.

校开发办一直都了解我的行踪。The development office carefully tracks my whereabouts.

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珀西瓦尔爵士的密探一直在监视我的行踪。Sir Percival's spies were not going to lose sight of me.

这些年轻人脾气非常暴躁,对人非常不敬,他们经常旷课,没人知道他们的行踪。These young men were extremely angry, very disrespectful.

“这就是那个行踪不定的植物干的。”穆拉斯神秘地说。"That was the elusive plant did. " Muras said mysteriously.

他行踪不定,四海为家。His whereabouts are uncertain – he could be living anywhere.

偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally someflamewould come pursuit of her errant swain.

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伙伴的行踪革命军和暴食之森的陷阱!The Revolutionary Army and the Trap of the Forest of Gluttony!

也让杉木发现黄鸣锋的突击小分队的行踪。Also let Chinese fir found huang feng assault teams whereabouts.

他们的父母会调查他们的行踪并实施宵禁吗?Did their parents check up on their whereabouts and set curfews?