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我的朋友死皮赖脸缠着我要钱!My friend dogs me for money.

再说,别人嫌弃我,我也不会死皮赖脸地住在这儿。And I don't stay where I'm not wanted.

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但愿他们别死皮赖脸地跟着我们。I hope they are not so impertinent as to follow us.

知道你不喜欢我,我还要死皮赖脸的留在你们两头吗?Know you don't like me, I have repeatedly among you stay?

有时即使不想怀旧,一些旧时光的记忆依然会死皮赖脸地不请自来。Sometimes old memories just keep crawling back even though you don't want to be nostalgic.

他死皮赖脸,常深更半夜给她打电话,并威胁说,她要是不答应见他,就放把火烧掉她家的农舍。He repeatedly called her late at night, threatening to torch her family's farmhouse unless she agreed to meet him.

梅显祖死皮赖脸的不认账,还说肯定是马司令的手下认错人了。The MeiXianZu repeatedly not to recognize, also said that must be under the hand of the horse commander wrong person.

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男人以此来作为分手的理由,可怜女人看不清男人的嘴脸,宁可发誓改掉这些子虚乌有的欲加之罪,也要死皮赖脸地跟着男人。Men regard split reason, reasons, detaining, women can't see one of the truth, but didn't blame ourselves well with men.

托尼布莱尔还想“死皮赖脸”再占首相位置五至六个月,因为他认为自己还可以做一些力所能及之事。Tony Blair will cling on as prime minister for another five or six months, insisting that he can still accomplish something useful.

我认为我们普通人应该多向政治家学学死皮赖脸和死猪不怕开水烫的顽强生存意识和寄希望与未来的乐观精神。I think people should learn from politicians be lost to all sense of shame and a dead mouse feels no cold tenacious survival consciousness and the hope and future optimism.