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我以跑动得34分被击败而退场。I was bowled out for 34.

跑动之中他把我绊倒了。When running, he stumbled me.

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过度地跑动或者爬。Runs around or climbs excessively.

接球员跑动范围很宽,以便接到传球。The reciever ran wide to catch the pass.

杰克和奈提莉跑动的身影在夜晚中显现着。JAKE and NEYTIRI run silhouetted in the night.

跳舞者跳曳步、滑步,并在人们拍手时在舞池上跑动。The dancers shuffle, glide, or run while people clap.

我还会听到人跑动的脚步声和一个小孩的笑声。I would hear running footsteps and a child's laughter.

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朴智星有时被批评他的无目的的跑动。Park has sometimes been criticized for aimless running.

“他说的很多,他告诉我如何跑位,如何跑动”。He speaks a lot, telling me where to move, where to run.

季前赛里的易,能够在内线做出很好的跑动。Yi make moving better to the basket in pre-season games.

对于孩子来说,就是跑动玩耍。For kids it’s running around and playing,” Tallmadge said.

而里奥则跑动更多,用他的速度来追到球。Rio will be more mobile, using his pace to chase the ball.

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跑动时应先在马达壳体腔内注满液压油。Befor starting, fulfill the motors with hydraulic oil firstly.

本·海姆既可以在后场自由跑动防守,也可以打中卫的位置。Ben Haim can play at full -back as well as in central defence.

我还以那些在罚球线内外跑动的家伙们自豪。But I was proud of our guys, I mean right up and down the line.

德科未能在他两名前锋后面充分跑动,策动比赛。Deco failed to stretch the play by running beyond his front two.

OJ梅奥和麦克柯尼是年轻的,能跑动的首发后场。OJ Mayo and Mike Conley are a young, athletic starting backcourt.

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他的有球跑动快得就像没带球似的,这真是艺术。He ran as fast with the ball as without it, which is quite an art.

级进旋律是指在整个音阶的,相邻音符上跑动的旋律Melodies that are just running up and down a scale-- neighboring tones.

三角进攻进行得很流畅,很干脆的传球和无球跑动切入。The triangle was running smoothly, with crisp passing and off-the-ball cuts.