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你看信末的附言了吗?S. at the end of the letter?

她在信尾加上了附言。She tagged a postscript to the end of the letter.

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女人除了在信尾的附言里之外,绝少写出她的真心。A woman seldom write her mind but in her postscript.

他在信中加上附言,写上了他爱她。As a postscript to his letter he add that he love her.

每一年他送给她玫瑰,附言总是这样写道Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say

她的目光又回到了那封信上,又读了第二遍,发现原来还有一小段附言。She cast her eyes again over the note to peruse it a second time, and saw there was a postscript.

每封信都以一个狡猾的附言结尾——都是对屋里那只叫做“王后”的猫的讥讽。Each letter ends with a p.s. that's a catty quip about the feline in the house, a.k.a. "The Queen."

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卡上印有“生日快乐”的字样,下面写着一句附言——拿这张支票给自己买样称心的东西吧——迈拉和哈罗德。Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday – Buy yourself something nice with the cheque, Myra and Harold.

卡有印有“生日快乐”字样,下面写着一句附言——拿这张支票给自己买样称心的东西吧——迈拉和哈罗德。Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday -- Buy yourself something nice with the cheque, Myra and Harold.

很快,我便收到她的汇款单,那些钱,她一分不差地给了我,附言上,她说,谢谢你陪我这些年。Soon, I received her remittance, the money, she is a not bad to me, postscript, she said, thank you to accompany me all these years.

贝蒂在信的结尾签名后,又加附言说“请告知你到达的确切时间”。After she had already signed her name to the letter's closing, Betty added a p. s. which said, 'Please let me know exactly when you will arrive.

写一张明信片和简短的附言给自己是一个抓住瞬间感受的非常好的方法,在你回家以后还能再次体会到这一刻的欢乐。Sending a postcard to yourself with just a few lines scribbled on it lets you capture the moment with minimal fuss and relive the joy again once you return home.

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而许多漫画把中国描绘成一只长着人脸的熊猫,随图附言道“不要跟爸爸顶嘴”或“你敢和爸爸这样说话!”Many cartoons depict China as a panda with a man's face, accompanied with text like "Don't talkback to your father" or "How dare how you speak to your father like this! "

而许多漫画把中国描绘成一只长着人脸的熊猫,随图附言道“不要跟爸爸顶嘴”或“你敢和爸爸这样说话!”Many cartoons depict 12 China as a panda with a man's face, accompanied with text like "Don't talk back to your father" or "How dare how you speak to your father like this! "

在223页我们发现莫娜,洛丽塔在演出中认识的朋友,她未出世的,我们不知道是弟弟还是妹妹,死去了,我们在一句附言中,发现了这一点,223页。On 223 we find out that Mona, Lolita's friend from the play, her baby sibling--we're not told whether it's a boy or girl--dies, and we see it in one of those parentheticals, 223. This is Mona's letter.