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他喝掉了两杯双料朗姆酒。He has knocked back two double rums.

曼彻斯特联队两次获双料冠军。Manchester United won the double twice.

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我们为双料冠军而努力,正如2007年一样。We're fighting for both titles, just like in 2007.

毫无疑问双料冠军是我职业生涯巅峰的时刻。It would be the best year of my career without a doubt.

当然。那就来杯双料拿铁吧?我弹完这最后一曲就过来拿。Sure. How about a double latte?I'll pick it up after this last song.

今年她要争取奥林匹克赛和世界杯冠军赛的双料冠军。She's going for the double this year, the Olympics and the World Championship.

近年来,法学院的双料学位课程已经比较普遍。Programs with dual degrees have become more common in recent years at law schools.

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沃瑟斯坦是哈佛法学院和哈佛商学院的双料高才生。Bruce Wasserstein graduated from both Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School.

一个生意人走进一家酒馆,在吧台坐下,点了一杯加冰的双料martini。A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks.

他是俱乐部和国家队的双料队长,利物浦对他奉若神明,他的威名让所有对手都闻风丧胆。He's captain of both club and country, idolised by the KOP and feared by opponents everywhere.

舒马赫在赢得匈牙利大奖赛之后在无线电中说,双料冠军已经确定获得。Schumacher on the radio after winning the Hungarian Grand rix and securing both championships.

舒马赫在赢得匈牙利大奖赛之后在无线电中说,双料冠军已经确定获得。Schumacher on the radio after winning the Hungarian Grand Prix and securing both championships.

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“上赛季我非常走运能够为两次入选一队,”双料青年足总杯冠军队长说道。"Last season I was lucky enough to play for the first-team twice, " said the double youth cup winner.

以固定化复合酵母代替传统游离酵母进行玉米糖蜜双料连续发酵。The rice wine production with millet by the fermentation of immobilized complex yeast cells was studied.

1986年,随着双料冠军时期球队的主力中场乔治-格拉汉姆出任俱乐部主教练,一个黄金时代就此到来。In 1986, a golden era was ushered in by the return of Double-winning midfielder George Graham as manager.

在刚刚结束的男子110米栏比赛中,古巴小将罗伯斯以13秒01的成绩获得冠军,世锦赛、奥运会双料冠军刘翔仅跑出13秒21的成绩,获得第三名,未能实现上海国际田径黄金大奖赛三连冠的梦想。Liu, the reigning Olympic and world champion and world record holder, clocked 13.21 seconds to finish third.

这场比赛是2002年以来的第一大冷门——那回,塞内加尔伏击世界和欧洲双料冠军法国成功。This was the biggest since Senegal ambushed France, the world and European champions, in their first game in 2002.

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伏明霞在亚特兰大奥运会上赢得跳台跳水和跳板跳水金牌,使她成为36年来第一个获得奥运会跳水双料冠军的女选手。Fu Mingxia's platform and springboard golds at Atlanta made her the first woman in 36 years to win Both Olympic events.

以固定化复合酵母代替传统游离酵母进行玉米糖蜜双料连续发酵。Corn saccharifying liquid and molasses are fermented continuously to produce alcohol with immobilized complex yeast cells.

不过,西塞在希腊强力反弹,在整个赛季攻入29粒进球,帮助帕纳辛纳科斯赢得了希腊国内联赛和杯赛双料冠军。He bounced back there, however, helping them win the Greek league and cup double and scoring 29 goals in all competitions.