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什么是版画?。What Is a Lithograph?

制作版画的方法有很多种。There are many methods of printmaking.

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这是中国新兴版画的繁荣期。This was the heyday of China's new print.

我在那古玩店里意外地发现了这张老版画。I ran upon this old print in the antique shop.

最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.

他收藏了一张古老的伦敦桥版画。He collected an old engraving of London Bridge.

版画是图画和手工的结合物。Print is the combination of drawing and handwork.

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他尽管地欣赏着那些优美的版画。He feasted his eyes on those beautiful engravings.

里面有图腾柱、面具、镶缀珠、篮筐以及版画。It had totem poles, masks, beadwork, basket and prints.

版画,也是中国美术的一个重要门类。Printmaking , is also an important Chinese art classes.

进出口寻找一个帆布印刷版画的解决方案。Im looking for a Printshop solution for canvas printing.

这本身就是对传统木刻版画的创新。This is an innovation for traditional printing of woodcut.

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什么是之间的版画及一Serigraph区别?。What Is the Difference Between a Lithograph & a Serigraph?

第六部分是古代徽派版画的继承和对后世绘画的影响。Hui Pai ancient prints' success and its impacts on paintings.

“越界行动”版画交流展,角度画廊,上海,中国。"Cross the Border" Printmaking Exhibition, The Angle Gallery.

中国版画国际交流展。The Chinese block print international exchanges an exhibition.

自从那时黑白版画一直是我最喜欢的。Ever since printmaking in black and white has been my favorite.

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夏星过去做过版画,也做过一段时间摄影。Xia Xing also worked in printing and photography for some time.

“祥巴”,藏语音译,意为木刻版画。Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language.

在美术方面,用蚀刻版和版方式制作的版画。In art, an Intaglio process of makIng prInts from an etched plate.