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小分量食物是不好的Small portions are bad.

这本书的分量可不轻。This book is quite heavy.

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唐纳森知道自己说话的分量。Donaldson knows his media.

一点点分量的食物。Itsy-bitsy portion of food.

他的判断很有分量。His judgment carries weight.

所有分量必须完全相同Everything has to completely match.

如果你想要你的言论更有分量,If you want your voice to be louder,

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日报的分量吓到你了吗?Have you subscribed to any newspaper?

她吃了两个分量很足的馅饼。She had two generous helpings of pie.

你会掂量每一个字的分量You might weigh every word on a scale

毕竟,肌肉的分量重于脂肪。After all, muscle weighs more than fat.

小分量食物是不好的,也对,还有吗Small portions are bad, that's right. Yes?

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这家餐厅的饮食分量很少。This restaurant serves very mingy portions.

矢量的分量和原来的也不再相同The components of the vector are not the same.

所有获得一点点的分量和无从捉摸。Everything gains a bit of heft and tangibility.

参阅相关研究证明并打印一份饮食分量指南。Read the proof and print a servings size guide.

这里的日本餐味道还不错,而且分量十足。The Japanese food tastes good with big portion.

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他称出药的各种配料的分量。He weighed out the ingredients for the medicine.

赫尔默特方差分量估计公式。The Helmert variance component estimation formula.

关于能力建设的论据的分量更重。The capacity-building argument carries more weight.