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他正为你献上一首青铜之歌。Who offers you a brazen hymn.

这座塑像是用青铜铸成的。The statue was cast in bronze.

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这个鼎是青铜铸就的。This tripod is made of bronze.

它们的车轴啊都是用青铜制作的。The axles are all made of bronze.

那里有一具青铜铸成的像。There is a statue cast in bronze.

这件古代青铜作品,高34.5厘米,长41厘米。It is 34.5 cm high and 41 cm long.

教堂的钟是由青铜铸成的?The church bell is made of bronze.

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就将青铜的黎明从洞穴里吹出。Rousts bronze-age dawn from its cave.

公园里有一尊青铜色的雕像。There is a bronze statue in the park.

以戈、钺为主要的青铜兵器等特征。Ge and Yue are the main bronze weapons.

我以青铜和钢铁的名义起誓。I swear it by bronze and iron. "- Meera".

铸钢,青铜,铸铁和合金阀门。Cast Steel, Bronze, Iron and Alloy Valves.

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重瓣的大朵花,粉红色底,绿色和青铜色。Double light pink, green and bronze large.

在鸽灰色基调上闪耀着红色青铜光泽。Shiny red and bronze over a dove-grey base.

小时候我的头发是青铜色。As a child my hair was the colour of copper.

中国已经使用青铜和铜镍合金。Chinese use bronze and copper nickel alloys.

首先,铁制的兵器,而非青铜的First of all, iron weapons, not bronze ones.

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他认为这种陶器是青铜时代的遗物。He attributes this pottery to the Bronze age.

是迈锡尼的青铜时代吗Was it the world of the Mycenaean Bronze Age?

用于铅青铜轴承外壳的铅。Lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes.