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乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried!

乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried !

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他们拉起网子飞渡海面。They took the net and flew up over the sea.

飞机将飞渡太平洋。The plane will fly across the Pacific Ocean.

飞渡天堑的曲宗大桥和桥下汇流的两色江水。Quzong Bridge and two-colored river water below.

名声是一座活动的桥梁,可以令人飞渡深渊。Fame is a bridge of activity, can be a loose the abyss.

暮色苍茫看劲松,乱云飞渡仍从容。See the deepening twilight, Jinsong, Cloud Flying is still calm.

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特别是灵峰夜景,灵岩飞渡堪称中国一绝。Lingfeng night in particular, China can be called Stagecoach ryong'am a must.

路漫漫,不能相伴,情浓处,无法飞渡。Road is long, can not accompanied Everlasting Department, can not fly across.

重点论述了声层析成像温度场检测系统中的关键——声波飞渡时间的测量。This paper mainly discusses the key point of the acoustic temperature field measurement—The travel- time of sound wave.

即使她画了很多类似戏剧的人物和门神,你也可以从他们身上看到群山飞渡,暮云吻湖的风景意趣。Even if she painted many similar drama characters and the door-gods, and you can see the mountains sweep over, clouds in twilight reflect in lake.

不仅为声学测温中的声波飞渡时间测量提供了指导,而且对基于时延估计的锅炉四管爆漏声源定位有一定的参考价值。It is useful to the measurement of transmitted time of sound wave in acoustic pyrometry and to the sound source location of 'four-tubes' leaking in boiler based on TDE.

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本文分别以白噪声及扫频信号为信号源,采用计算机仿真软件MATLAB,对声波在声发射端和接收端之间的飞渡时间的互相关估计进行了计算机仿真研究。In this paper we separately use White noise and chirp signal as signal source, and apply simulate software MATLAB to research the time delay between the transmitted signal and the received signal.