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我了解行情,走进车行时已是一个懂行的买主了。I went in. I was an informed buyer.

“我比训练师更懂行。”穆酋长曾经这么说过。"I know more than any trainer, " he once told me.

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要做到这一点,他至少要像古董商一样懂行。To do this, he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer.

这些人无论如何都不会喜欢一个自以为对管理技巧很懂行的傲慢伦敦人。They were never going to like a snotty Londoner being superior about management fads anyway.

科瑞娜的深红色的肿瘤清晰可见,即使是一个不懂行的人也可以看到。The deep red hue of Corina's tumor is plain to see, even to a layperson leaning over the surgeon's shoulder.

除了懂行的观众因逐渐老去而减少外,京剧还面临着特殊的困难。But the opera faces particular difficulties, aside from the aging and fading away of a knowledgeable audience.

找一间有懂行的销售的商店,他们会花时间帮助你选购合适你脚步的鞋子。Find a store with a knowledgeable sales staff who will take the time to help you pick out the right shoe for your foot strike.

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为了向不懂行的听众解释复杂的科学问题,科学家和新闻记者越来越倾向于减少复杂程度。In order to explain complex science to a lay audience, scientists and journalists are prone to progressively downplay the complexity.

新闻头条上充斥着由于药物副作用而引发的官司报道,因此,懂行的人尽量少的服用药物。News headlines abound about lawsuits of drug side effects, so savvy people take the least amount of pharmaceutical products possible.

“作为成年人,我们一般不习惯在我们不懂行的领域里玩”,伯格说,“每个人的合作和反应方式也都不一样。”"As adults, we don't usually get to play in areas where we're not experts," Burg says. "People cooperated and interacted differently."

对有着优秀教学经验教师的放弃更令人摸不着头脑,他们是懂行的专家,能将优良的教学经验传播给许多学校。Less well known is the jettisoning of advanced-skills teachers, who were expert professionals passing on best practice throughout many schools.

但是泽尔作为企业领导者的身份却让我们明白,新闻业之外的那些不懂行的人经营企业的极大危险!But Zell's tenure as leader of the company shows the peril of people from outside the newspaper industry running companies they don't really understand.

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记住,任何时候当你抱怨着工业设计师是“不懂行的人”、是“万金油”,并无从入行的时候,你现在就知道从哪里开始了。Remember all the times you bitched and moaned about how Industrial Designers are “jacks of all trades and masters of none”? Well now you know where to start!

其实,数据,在懂行的人看来,是SOA作为一个项目能够成功的战略部分,或者是说是整体性的架构战略。well, data, those in the know understand that data needs to be a strategic part of the SOA for SOA to succeed as a project, or as an overall architectural strategy.

当你拿到酒单时就可以迅速判断,且这会让你看起来像是很懂行而且是能迅速拿主意的人。By the time you are handed the list, you'll be able to make a snap judgment that will make it appear you know what you're doing and are a quick decision-maker to boot.

雪茄新手可能会以为这少见的红金相间的标箍图案是一个王冠,但懂行的人就知道,这其实是帕迪亚所用钢笔的笔尖。Cigar novices might mistake this hard-to-find cigar band's red and gold illustration for a crown, but aficionados know it's actually the nib of the poet's fountain pen.

首先,消费者可以变得更懂行并且定期雇佣他们自己的机械师去检查他们看中的车辆。First, buyers can become informed and regularly hire their own mechanic to inspect a car they are considering. Inspections reduce the informational asymmetry but are costly in their own right.

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所以一个项目是否真实可靠对于懂行的一看便知,这些项目无非就是把一个网络知识点包装的天花乱坠来忽悠刚入门的新手。So an item is true for the knowledgeable and reliable Bianzhi a look at these projects is nothing more than to point a network of knowledge of the hype, packaging Hu You just entry to the novice.