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你对异族通婚是怎么看的?What do you think about mixed marriages?

异族的通婚已越来越被接受.Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted.

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多年来,对异族生物学家来说,沙拉克一直是个谜。The Sarlacc has been a puzzle to xenobiologists for years.

这个异族人是计算机生成的角色。The alien being was realized as a computer-generated character.

那时候,异族通婚在有些州属于非法行为。At the time, interracial marriages were illegal in certain states.

詹戈使用异族武器卡米诺剑镖杀死了赞姆。Jango had used an exotic weapon, a Kamino saberdart, to eliminate Zam.

你认为异族通婚,会有格格不入的问题吗?Do you think interracial marriages may have fish-out-of-water problems?

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于是,工业光魔把福德和比德完全制作成计算机生成的异族人。ILM instead crafted Fode and Beed as an entirely computer generated alien.

屋大维、凯撒、奥古斯都都为了存放自己的遗体而建造的。当异族入侵时。Octavian, Augustus built it to house his remains. When the barbarians came.

异族通婚在第二、三代的亚裔美国人中更为常见。Intermarriage is more common among second-and third-generation asian-americans.

这个世界上发挥着的射手去救那个星系从一个巨大的异族入侵!Play an out of this world shooter to save the galaxy from a huge alien invasion!

异族文明研发了他们本土类似的偏导护盾技术。Alien cultures have developed their own native analogs of deflector shield technology.

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由于这个原因,所有异族习俗都被从这个契约团体中移除。So for this reason, All alien practices are to be removed from the covenant community.

古代,为了抵御北方异族的侵犯,中国建造了长达6400公里的长城。The 4,000-mile-long Great Wall of China was built to keep out invaders from the north.

他们唯一能接受的就是异族通婚和一些女性选择不生孩子。The only trends they accepted were interracial marriage and fewer women having children.

爱德塞尔·巴·甘恩是银河议会中一名球根状脑袋、杏仁形眼睛的异族代表。Edcel Bar Gane is a bulbous-headed almond-eyed alien representative in the Galactic Senate.

印八偈人原本分为两个交换配偶的异族通婚的氏族。Ket were originally divided into two exogamous phratries which exchanged marriage partners.

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国家党称,该党现在不会,将来也不会“承认异族通婚是道德的和正常的”。The BNP says that it does not, nor will it ever, "accept miscegenation as moral or normal".

奥拉?辛是一位形象简洁的人形异族人,肤色苍白,长长的手指沾满猎物的鲜血。Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid alien with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers.

1967年,尽管美国还有16个州禁止异族通婚,但是人们的态度却在悄悄改变着。In 1967, 16 states still had laws against interracial marriage, but attitudes were changing.