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胶版四色印刷,半自动化,稳定性难以控制。Offset full color printing, and semi-automatization method, low stability.

也有包胶版本供特别粗暴的应用情况。There exists also a rubberized version for particularly rugged applications.

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用竹子胶版做家具,天然漆布铺地板。Bamboo plywood was used for the cabinetry and natural linoleum was used for the flooring.

其结果是不透明和图像质量都优于什么直接胶版印刷可以生产。The result is an opacity and image quality that's superior to what direct offset printing can produce.

胶版、版、版、印印刷油墨及客户所需配制的专色墨。Our main products include offset printing ink, gravure printing ink, surface printing ink and customized ink.

随着高速转轮胶印技术的发展,印刷行业对胶版印刷纸的印刷适性提出了更高要求。The quality of offset paper should be improved to meet with the development of high-speed offset printing techniques.

设置和操作凸版、平版、柔版、凹版、报纸、既时、数字和胶版印刷机。PRINTERS set up and operate letterpress, lithographic, flexographic, gravure, newspaper, instant, digital and offset printing presses.

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蒸馏作用、胶版印刷术和化妆品工业是我们文件中的一部分,请您电话垂询更多信息。The enterprise nanfang chemical web offers possibilities within the range Distillation and Cosmetic industry as well as Offset printing.

标准的驱动器模式使麦修斯胶版印刷系统便于组件的安装和移动。The standard drive mode for Matthews offset printers is provided by the friction between the blanket roll and the moving product or part.

进行了酶与超声波协同作用对彩色胶版印刷新闻纸脱墨的研究。A new process for deinking of colored offset newsprint with enzyme treatment in cooperation with ultrasonic wave was studied in this paper.

该企业为您提供定影、胶版印刷术和纸张切割机械以及切纸装置、切纸设备和纸张粉碎的报价。The company beijing duoyuan electric group offers services from the ranges Paper cutting, Paper cutting machine in addition to Paper cutting machines.

过去,讲师和教授都是将文件原稿通过培训材料办公室,交给印刷部门进行胶版印。In the past, instructors and professors all handed original documents to the printing sections through the office of training materials, to be offset printed.

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本文介绍了合成聚合物表面施胶剂AGP在胶版印刷纸和牛皮箱纸板生产中的应用试验,结果表明用AGP进行表面施胶能较大程度地提高纸的抗水性能,并可减少浆内施胶剂的用量。The results proved that the use of the AGP as a surface sizing agent can improve the water-resistance of the paper and reduce the use of the internal sizing agent.

该印辊将墨汁摊匀后转移到下一个印辊上,在透明胶带的胶面上对所需的图像进行胶版印刷。The print roll makes the china ink spread out uniformly and diverted onto the next print roll. The desired picture is hectographed on the glue face of the scotch tape.

三综系列一层半干网适用于文化纸、压光印刷纸、胶版印刷纸、果袋纸等70克以下纸张。Three series of a layer of semi-mechanized net at the Heritage paper, calendering printing paper, offset printing paper, paper bags of 70 grams of fruit the following paper.

用本技术配方制备的水性油墨,物理性能良好,质量稳定,能满足目前胶版凸印机的使用要求。The water printing- ink produced according to the technical formula is good in physical characters, stable in quality and can meet the needs of offset plate printing presses at present.

这种方法可能会使观众想起西格玛尔·帕尔克和罗伊·利希滕使用的本戴胶版法中的小点构图,不过解国平并无意作出与之类似的对大众传媒的后现代主义评论。The approach may remind viewers of the Ben-Day dot compositions of Sigmar Polke and Roy Lichtenstein, but it is not Xie's intention to make a similar Post-Modernist commentary on mass media.