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他不愿屈尊回答我的问题。He did not condescend to answer.

他从来未曾屈尊与我谈话。He never condescends to speak to me.

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你肯屈尊陪我吗?。Would you condescend to accompany me?

他总是对他的下属屈尊就驾。He always condescends to his subordinates.

他未屈尊吟唱,示灵魂以假象。He deign'd not to belie his soul in songs.

谁愿意屈尊去谴责这种轻浮举止?Who'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling?

令我惊奇的是,她竟然屈尊来到了我们中间。To my surprise,she stooped to come among us.

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如果你肯屈尊读读我这卑微的诗行If e'er you deign these lowly lines your eyes

他从我身旁走过,竟没有屈尊看我一眼。She passed by without deigning to look at me.

为什么?,因为它屈尊于历史。Why? Because it condescends toward the past.

他不会屈尊去做任何不名誉的事情。He would not stoop to do anything dishonorable.

这位将军屈尊与士兵一同进餐。The general condescended to eat with the soldiers.

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我说出售,对它而言还是一种屈尊。I say sell out, andI sayithas a condescension toit.

像往常一样,你的屈尊俯就总是让人感激。Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated.

他不肯屈尊和像我这样不重要的人说话。He doesn't deign to talk to unimportant people like me.

赫敏没有屈尊回答,而是走向了哈利。Hermione did not deign to respond, but approached Harry.

你永远也不应该瞧不起或以屈尊的态度对待同事。You should never condescend or look down on a co-worker.

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叶利钦很客气,很友好,稍微有点屈尊俯就的架势。Yeltsin was polite and friendly, but slightly patronizing.

如果我们说这是贫穷的现象那是我们屈尊了。We condescend if we speak of it as a phenomenon of the poor.

最后她才纡贵屈尊地表示出她注意到他在旁边。She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.