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如果腹痛服用硫酸亚铁和布洛芬。Ferrous sulfate and ibuprofen are prescribed for pain.

以七水硫酸亚铁为原料,采用改良二步复分解法新工艺制硫酸钾。A new producing technology of potassium sulfate from ferrous sulfate is reported.

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加入亚铁菲绕啉离子,用滴定法测量硫酸亚铁铵溶液。Add Ferroin indicator and titrate with 0.025 N ferrous ammonium sulphate solution.

采用硫酸亚铁铵和草酸溶液在酸性介质条件下合成含有结晶水的草酸亚铁。In acid medium, the ferrous oxalate was prepared with ferrous ammonium sulfate and oxalic acid.

文章的目的在于研究硫酸亚铁对大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂的钝化作用。The aim of the paper was to study the inactivation of soybean trypsin inhibitor by ferrisulphas.

添加甘氨酸螯合铁的面粉中维生素A的氧化速度明显小于添加硫酸亚铁的。The oxidation vitamin A in flour fortified with ferrous glycinate is less than that of FeSO4 control.

用硫酸亚铁作铁强化剂效果较好,而硫酸锌作锌强化剂效果相对较差。The result is good to use FeSO4 as Fe rein forcer, While it's not so good to use ZnSO4 Zn rein forcer.

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采用废铁片与硫酸反应制备硫酸亚铁溶液,然后加入氧化剂——过硫酸铵反应制得硫酸铁铵。The essay use the way scrap iron react with sulfuric acid , then adding oxidant-ammonium peroxydisulfate.

处理步骤是先加硫酸亚铁使之沉淀,然后过滤。The treatment sequence involved addition of ferrous sulfate for precipitation and subsequence filtration.

采用硫酸亚铁铵和草酸溶液在酸性介质条件下合成含有结晶水的草酸亚铁。The ferrous oxalate with crystal water was prepared with ferrous ammonium sulfate and oxalic acid in acid medium.

酵母铁组的ADG、ADFI、铁蛋白和转铁蛋白较硫酸亚铁组高。ADG, ADFI, serum ferritin and transferrin in iron-enriched yeast group were higher than those in ferrous sulfate group.

凝汽器铜管硫酸亚铁成膜前铜管表面的预处理是保证成膜质量的重要前提,但也是最容易被忽视的地方。It is the key step to process the surface of the condenser tubes to produce FeSO 4 membrane, but it is often neglected.

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该法对生产钛白粉的废酸和因杂质含量高难以开发利用的副产物硫酸亚铁的治理及低品位软锰矿的利用开辟了新路。This method paved a new way of disposing the by-products ferrous sulfate and utilization of low-ranged soft manganese ore.

介绍了以钛白粉厂副产的硫酸亚铁为原料,制备氧化铁的工业化生产新工艺。The industrialized production new process of manufacturing ferric oxide using ferrous sulfate as raw material was introduced.

目的建立复方硫酸亚铁缓释片中硫酸亚铁和叶酸的含量测定方法。Aim To establish the determination method of ferrous sulfate and folic acid in compound ferrous sulfate sustained-release tablets.

普鲁士蓝或铁蓝是由氰亚铁酸钠盐、硫酸亚铁和硫酸铵盐制备而成的。Prussian Blue . Prussian blue or iron blue is manufactured by reacting sodium ferrocyanide, ferrous sulfate, and ammonium sulfate.

研究了硫酸亚铁溶液经空气氧化水解生成铁酸盐的过程,以及此过程中钴的行为与控制。The behavior and control of cobalt in formation of Co-ferrite by oxidation-hydrolysis of aqueous ferrous solution were investigated.

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该方法快速、准确、灵敏,可用于复方硫酸亚铁叶酸片的质量控制。The method is convenient, accurate, sensitive, and suitable for the quality control of Compound Ferrous Sulfate and Folic Acid Tablets.

本研究用一定浓度的硫酸亚铁和维生素C的水溶液作为保鲜剂,对豆腐干进行了保鲜研究。This paper reports a study of preservation on the dried beau curd by a certain concentration solution of Ferrous sulfate and Vitamin C.

以七水硫酸亚铁、硫酸、氯酸钠等原料,制备了改性聚合硫酸铁絮凝剂。Modified polymerized ferric sulphate flocculating agent was made with ferrous sulphate heptahydrate , sulphate acid, natrium chlorate etc.