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我造的业障太深重以至于我感觉自己必须要为之付出代价。So karmically I felt like I had a bill to pay.

如果你曾经遭遇失败,想想是什么业障阻碍了你。If you’ve failed before, think about what obstacle stopped you.

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感谢鞭打过我的人,因为他消除了我的业障。Thanks to those who have lashed me because they cleared my way.

「随缘消业障,不更造灾殃」。一回的业过去了,感恩!Eliminate bad karma as it man fests, do not create more disasters.

你只需要找到失败的原因,然后为下一次能够击败这个业障做准备。Just figure out why you missed, and plan to beat that obstacle next time.

目前这两个国家都正处于艰困的时期,必须净除各自的业障。Both countries are having a difficult time now and must purify their Karma.

有钱要会布施,脑中才会清爽息念,才会消业障。Will donate money to, the brain will be fresh interest to study before karma.

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或者我们会再次尝试,但仍旧会一次又一次在同样的业障面前停下脚步。Or we'll try again, but hit the same obstacles again and again with the same result.

消除业障最直接的方法就是拜忏。The most direct method to eliminate karmic hindrances is through making full prostrations.

既然没有人能一直制造业障,就没有人会一直在地狱里。Since no one can create negative karma all the time, no one karmically deserves hell for all time.

所以三宝修持虽然很简单,但也要下定决心,在关键时刻快刀斩乱麻,把自己从业障中拔出,回归三宝。Using three treasures is easy, but it needs our resolution to cut the bad karma at the critical moment.

建议你先从忏悔业障开始起修,每天拜忏。It is recommended that you start from repenting of bad karma and make repentance prostrations every day.

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各位,消一分的业障,就是多一分的智慧。所以大家要时时多用心啊。Everyone, every bit of karma we eliminate is a bit of wisdom we gain. So everyone, please always be mindful.

当你用烦恼心来面对事物时,你会觉得一切都是业障,世界也会变得丑陋可恨。Then when you face trouble with things, you will feel everything is karma, the world will become ugly hateful.

第三、我们要把累生累劫的业障消除,只有发菩提心才能解决。The third issue is that, only by generating the mind for Bodhi can we eliminate the evil karmas of all past lives.

当你用烦恼心来面对事物时,你会觉得一切都是业障,世界也会变得丑陋可恨。When you face things with heart trouble, you will find everything is karma, the world will become ugly and hateful.

当风息在中脉中自由流动,心识进入了空性之门,瑜珈士就能清除自身所有任何的业障。When the Prana flows in the Susumna, and the mind has entered sunya, then the Yogi is free from the effects of Karmas.

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不管我有多深的业障,不管我是多么愚笨无知,不管我做了多少傻事蠢事,菩萨一直都没有放舍我。No matter how deep my karma, no matter how much I ignorance, whatever I do many stupid stupid, Bodhisattva has not put me.

偶尔明师会借众生的业障,从高境界下凡,借业障,你们听起来感觉如何?。And sometimes the Master descends from the higher world with borrowed karma. How does it sound to you, to borrow the karma?

我会去做调查,去找到成功的策略、潜在的业障、能帮助我获得成功的优秀的工具。I will do my research, to find out strategies for success, potential obstacles, good tools that will help me be successful.