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他咬牙切齿。He grits his teeth.

他咬牙切齿地诅咒。He ground out an oath.

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他气得咬牙切齿。He is champing with rage.

你使我咬牙切齿!You make me grind me teeth!

你使我咬牙切齿!You make me grind my teeth!

我咬牙切齿地冲着怪僻的丈夫大喊。I snapped at my cranky husband.

咬牙切齿愤怒已极。I was gnashing my teeth with rage.

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还有的啃和咬牙切齿的。There's gnawing and gnashing of teeth.

她能恨得咬牙切齿,也能爱得一往情深。She could hate as passionately as she could love.

“橙色,”海蒂咬牙切齿地说,使劲捅我的肋骨。“Orange, ” Hattie hissed, nudging me hard in the ribs.

那仿佛是夜神正在那儿咬牙切齿地唱挽歌。It was as if the Night sang dirges with clenched teeth.

狄克逊心里想着,不知道韦尔奇是否听到他在咬牙切齿。Dixon wondered if Welch could hear him grinding his teeth.

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埋藏自己的才能,你将“哭泣并咬牙切齿”。Bury your talents, and you get “weeping and gnashing ofteeth.”

我和姐姐听了,气得咬牙切齿,愤愤不平地走回家去。My sister and I listen to and gnash, resentfully to walk home.

老板娘咬牙切齿地抽紧了一个很可怕的结。Then madame, with her teeth set, tied a very terrible knot indeed.

我害怕邻居间开始长期不和,但是我对此也恨得咬牙切齿。I fear starting a neighborhood feud, but I’m also grinding my teeth.

还包括愤激的狂笑诅咒和咬牙切齿。It also involves howls of exasperation cursing and gnashing of teeth.

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那位先生看到他的新车被弄坏了,气得咬牙切齿。The gentleman gnashed his teeth when he saw the damage to his new car.

非把英文学好不可,所以要咬牙切齿学英文!Not learn English well it, so will gnash teeth in hatred learn English!

他咬牙切齿地说,政府应该在这个地区倾尽“全力”,不达目的誓不罢休。" The government would throw its "whole force" at the region, he vowed.