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他们靠打雪仗打发时间。A snow fight helps pass the time.

我们可以堆雪人也可以打雪仗。We can snowman and throw snowballs.

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又可以打雪仗、堆雪人。Can snowball fights, make a snowman.

我们可以堆雪人也可以打雪仗。We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.

有时我们做雪球,打雪仗。Sometimes we make snowballs and throw them!

冬季——雪,雪人,打雪仗。The Season of Winter—Snow, Snowmen , Snow Games.

打雪仗是北方孩子们经常玩得一种游戏。Snowball fights in the north children often play a game.

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而且我们可以打用雪球打雪仗。你最喜欢哪个季节?And we can fight with snowballs. Which season do you like best?

我们可以一起堆雪人、打雪仗、在雪地上踩脚印。We can build a snowman, throw snowballs, make footprints in the snow.

在许多地方冬天意味着溜冰,雪橇和打雪仗。Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.

在许多地方冬天意味着滑冰,使用雪橇和打雪仗。Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.

孩子们都来到了楼下打雪仗、堆雪人。Thee children all came to the downstairs snowball fights, make a snowman.

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没有雪的冬天是枯燥无味的,没有了堆雪人打雪仗的胜景。There is no snow in winter is dry, make a snowman snowball fights the scene.

他们领着小厮们在澜波馆前面空地上打雪仗。They get small Sis at Lan wave building front vacant land up fight snow battle.

“人们应该走出去,在雪地里玩玩,”Bea说道,“去打雪仗。"People need to get out and play in the snow, " Bea says. "Get in a snowball fight.

学生们都放了寒假,不用去上学,我们堆雪人、打雪仗,过了一段快乐的时光!We don't go to school. We are making snowmans and playing snowball. We have a good time!

我们排队买饭的时候,他和杰西卡在绘声绘色地谈论打雪仗的情形。He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow fight as we got in line to buy food.

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我爱冬天,不仅仅是因为冬天我可以收到生日礼物,还因为,冬天可以和朋友们一起打雪仗。I love winer , not only I can get birthday gift but also play games with friends being snow.

有的同学在扫雪,有的同学在堆雪人,还有的同学在打雪仗。Some classmates in the snow, and some students in a snowman, and classmates in snowball fights.

有雪,地上有冰,孩子们可以打雪仗,堆雪人。There is snow around. There is ice on the ground. Children can throw snowballsmake the snowmen.