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我将核对一下这个数字。I will check up the figure.

请核对案例研究的可用性。Case Study — M. E. Heuck Co.

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我再核对一下事实。Let me re-check my facts here.

这叫交叉核对。This is called cross-checking.

你必须核对每一细节。You have to check every detail.

经常和你的上司核对一下绩效。Check in with your boss frequently.

复印件与原文核对无误。The reprint checks with the original.

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你必须把它与原文核对一下。You must check it up with the original.

考评局或会要求提供证明文件作核对用。The HKEAA may ask for documentary proof.

我可以核对一下电话号码吗?Could I check the number?Is it 2211-3344.

我抬起头去核对,一种挫败感油然而生。I looked up to check, feeling off-balance.

在美国,你向县秘书核对。S. , you check this with the County Clerk.

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经常核对陀螺罗经和磁罗经航向。Check Gyro and Magnetic courses frequently.

她用了一个名单把名字核对了一遍。She cross-checked the names against a list.

核对答案。也可请两名一问一答。Please listen to 2 and answer the questions.

这些数字与银行结单核对无误。These figures check with the bank statement.

他已把抄件与原文核对过了。He has checked the copy against the original.

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至少每年核对一次信用调查报告。Check your credit report at least once a year.

如果有疑问请予人力资源部核对。If in doubt please check with Human Resources.

请核对附卡并寄还给我。Just check the attached card and return to me.