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她独树一帜,特立独行。She's totally unique and cool.

根植于泉州大地,并在市场独树一帜。Rooted in quanzhou, and in the market.

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正如无花果陷儿饼干的味道,无花果是很独树一帜的。Tasty as are, figs stand on their own.

这不再是独树一帜的特征。It's no longer a differentiating feature.

它的艺术风格,在民族艺苑里也是独树一帜。Its art style is unique in the folk arts.

它的艺术风格,在民族艺苑里也是独树一帜。Its art style is unique in the national arts.

充分体现烙画独树一帜的艺术魅力。Fully reflects the art of pyrography unique charm.

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他拥有独树一帜的特质,歌、舞、演三栖,演艺能力俱佳。He is a true entertainer who can dance, sing and act.

公司产品风格独具,独树一帜,花色品种繁多。Our products are unique in style and various in color.

其金字塔彩光屋顶独树一帜,给您全新的感受。Pyramid phototherapy its unique roof, you feel brand new.

李金发是中国现代诗坛上独树一帜的象征派诗歌的创始者。Li Jinfa has been a pioneer in modern symbolical poetry in China.

卡西姆·阿明是阿拉伯世界独树一帜的女性主义思想家。Kassim Amin is a distinctive feminist ideologue in the Arab world.

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不过,真正让sipgate独树一帜的还是其类似于Gmail的界面。However, what really sets sipgate apart is its Gmail-like interface.

沈石溪笔下狼形象的塑造在当代动物小说创作中占据独树一帜的地位。This kind of writing shows a new trend of animal novel writing in China.

他们演技高超,独树一帜,在戏曲界有较大影响。Their acting skills, unique in the opera has a greater impact on community.

他的学术思想在整个乾嘉学术时代独树一帜。His theory made him quite remarkable in academic field of the entire Qiania Age.

越剧表演有鲜明的特色,在中国戏曲表演体系中独树一帜。Performance of Yueju Opera is unique in the performing system of Chinese operas.

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夏加尔以其独特的艺术风格,在西方现代艺术史上独树一帜,自成一家。Chagall's distinct artistic character makes him famous in Modern Western Art history.

马维尔擅长思想创作,这使得他在英国小说家中独树一帜。Mr Mawer likes to write about ideas, which makes him unusual among British novelists.

上海铜艺装饰件,在国内建筑装饰中独树一帜。Shanghai copper decorative pieces of art at home in the unique architectural features.