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一物已失,计较无益。For a lost thing care nothing.

一物既失,计较无益。For a lost thing cares nothing.

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孔子又回来了,所有过错不再计较。Come back, Confucius, all is forgiven.

他一向冷傲对人,你不必和他计较。He is always cold, and arrogant towards others.

他总是计较个人得失。He is always worrying about his personal gains.

我不会在这件小事上与他计较。I'll never make a fuss about the trifles with him.

我这次可以不计较,但下不为例。I'll overlook it this time, but don't do it again.

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如果总是计较这些,我们就无法前进。With the ifs and the maybes, we cannot go forward.

都怪我太爱计较小事了,亲爱的主人主妇。My touchiness about trifles, dear master and mistress.

一年前?!我想你应该不要再计较过去的事了。A year ago?! I think you should let bygones be bygones.

每个学生的总分都已计较出来平列入表中。Each student's marks were totaled and entered in alist.

厨师和杂货商为蛋价计较个没完。The cook and the grocer haggled over the price of eggs.

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学生们不应当花太多的时间玩计较机游戏。Students shouldn't spend too much time playing computer games.

人生苦短,别太过于计较个人恩怨。Life is too short to turn every personal affront into a battle.

一个人假如不计较功劳归属于谁,他的成就就会更大。You can accomplish much if you do not care who gels the credit.

别计较这些琐碎的事情,好好享受和孩子一起玩的时光。Do not focus on these little things and have fun with your kids.

她是个有口无心的人,你不要太计较。Don't take any of it to heart – her bark is worse than her bite.

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我们都是老熟人了,大家都不会计较礼节性问题。We are all old acquaintances, so we don't bother with formalities.

我是一个计较机懒鬼——无力抗拒网络的诱惑。I am a cyber slacker — powerless to resist the draw of the internet.

这两个男孩同意不计较过去,而且重归于好了。The two boys agreed to let bygones be bygones and made friends again.