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总算让我松了一口气!What a relief!

这一天总算没白过。The day had finally not white.

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哎呀,珍,你总算来了。Hey, Jane. You've finally come!

总算能凝眸明月。Finally be able to Ningmou moon.

“我总算这辈子没有白活”。阿们!I have not lived in vain. ' Amen!

这回她总算是如愿以偿了。Well the woman almost got her wish.

她总算完事了。She has eventually finished the job.

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谢天谢地你总算回来了!Thank goodness, you're back at last!

最后我总算理解了他的意思。At last I cottoned on to what he meant.

我花了三个小时才总算读完它。It took me three hours to wade through.

他们总算出口气了。They've had their revenge more or less.

手术这一关他总算闯过去了。His critical operation passed off safely.

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她总算知道了,她过来了。She finally knows about it. She's coming.

他总算使那个快淹死的女孩活了。He managed to revive the half-drowned girl.

总算来到一处落脚休息的地方,我把车停靠了下来。Finally I came to a rest area and pulled in.

午夜过后我们总算睡了一会儿。We finally got some shut-eye after midnight.

“你总算来了,”她尖刻地说道。Nice of you to turn up , " she said acidly ."

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这周我总算回到休斯顿的家了.This week, I am finally back home in Houston.

总算有了私宅,不错的一块地产,博古特说。"I have a house, nice property, " Bogut said.

经过一番检查余小奇总算修好了水龙头。After a check Yu Xiaoji finally fix the faucet.