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我们显示结果为奇数,然后我们继续。Again, wow.

结果发现是鸟屎。It was bird shit.

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结果现在巴茨也丢了饭碗。Now Bartz is out.

而结果是一致的“That's "congruent."

投票结果为63票赞成对37票反对。The vote was 63-37.

分析测试结果。Analyze test results.

结果,他连进了四个。Instead, he got four.

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这棵树结果子。The tree bears fruit.

于是有了这种结果。So here's the outcome.

参议院的投票结果为51票对46票。The vote was 51 to 46.

能告诉我比赛结果吗?Can you tell the result?

结果我才是脸红的那个人。I'm the one who blushes.

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我改如何获取验屋结果?How do I get the results?

全都是命里注定的结果。Lane life are all doomed.

十分钟后可出结果。Results take ten minutes.

这棵树已结果。The tree is in fruit now.

结果不要太多。As it turns out, not much.

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你能猜到结果吗?Can you guess the results?

真正的结果应该是相反的。It should be the opposite.

这就是岁月的结果,岁月。It's the years. The years.