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你待会儿去开班会吗?Are you going to the class meeting later?

我不知道什么时候开班会。I don't know when to have the class meeting.

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咱们来定一下开班会的日期吧。Let's determine a date for the class meeting.

开班典礼由王世森主持。Opening ceremony presided over by the Wangshi Sen.

我们经常在星期一下午开班会。We often have a class meeting on Monday afternoon.

今天下午我们打算开班会。We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.

学生数这么少就开班从成本上讲划不来。It isn't cost-effective to open classes with so few students.

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老师说这周五要集体开班会。The teacher said that we would collectively have a meeting this Friday.

中文部的浸礼习道班四月份开班﹐向许蓁蓁牧师报名。The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.

你们厂里开班前会的时候,领导都讲什么?You will be a time when the factory before the opening, leading all talk about?

淮北矿业副总经理鲍子田、王世森等出席开班典礼。Huaibei Mining Vice President Baozi Tian, Wang Shisen, attended the opening ceremony.

每天负责开班前例会,回顾任何与营业有关的信息。Conduct pre-shift meeting with staff and review all information pertinent to the day's business.

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目前这个项目已经满座了,但你可以点击这里查看通知列表,看看它再开班的日期。The program is currently sold out, but you can go here to get on the announcement list for when it reopens.

可是现在我没有时间了,因为艺术班最近要开班了。But I have no time to do it. Because the Art Class will be open recently. How a good idear. Ok , that's all.

上星期六在庙宇开班之前,我在外面等及在两位女士也在等。Last Saturday, before the Temple opened for classes, I was waiting outside, and also two ladies were waiting too.

假期短期语言培训班应在开班前至少一个月寄达申请材料。Applications for short training courses during holidays should arrive at least one month before the courses start.

在美国,师资不足曾经导致很多学校不能正常开班,现在这种情况看上去正在成为历史。An American teacher shortage that left many schools without qualified people running classrooms appears to be ending.

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大家在学习中相互帮助、相互鼓励,从开班到现在,我们很多学员都成了非常好的朋友。I indeed learned quite a lot. As we helped and encouraged each other, many of us have become good friends since then.

集团公司党委书记、董事长彭志祥,集团公司党委组织部长邹新萍参加了开班典礼。Group Party Secretary, Chairman Peng Zhixiang, group party organizations attended the opening ceremony, Minister Zou Xinping.

8月24日,淮北矿业“杨杰讲堂”提升机电控及供电研讨班开班典礼在朔里矿举行。August 24, Huaibei Mining "Yang Jie Forum" hoist control and power the opening ceremony of the seminar held at the new moon in mine.