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在沙氏琼脂培养基上,37℃培养生长良好。It grew well at 37℃ in Sabouraud medium.

生长在培养基内部的菌丝。Substrate mycelium , grow in the substate.

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因此把细胞作为病毒培养基行不通So cell culture production wasn't an option.

添加了激素NAA的培养基较适宜山慈姑种子苗的生根。The medium with NAA is better suited to root.

把接种所需要的物品和培养基在超净工作台上摆好。Put the article and culture needed on the ultra.

愈伤组织在分化培养基上产生幼芽。The calli produced buds on differentiation medium.

体胚在MSO培养基上萌发生根并成苗。The embryo converted into plant in die MSO medium.

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K8P原生质体培养基悬滴培养。The protoplasts formed calli in K8P liquid medium.

立枯丝核菌在以淀粉为碳源的培养基上生长最快。The mycelium growth of R. solani is best on starch.

文心兰在无糖培养基中自养生长基本正常。Oncidium was autotrophic without sugar in the medium.

任何一种用琼脂作胶凝剂的培养基。Any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent.

但在2D的细胞培养基中,这样的梯度就不存在了。But in 2D cell cultures, such gradients aren't present.

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培养基中添加椰子汁有利于类原球茎的形成。CM in media played a beneficial role for PLBs formation.

在分化培养基上,由愈伤组织诱导出绿芽点。Green bud was produced on the medium for differentiation.

毛状根能在不含激素的MS培养基上生长。The hairy roots grew well on MS hormone free agar medium.

干燥的培养基易导致原球茎及幼苗萎蔫、褐化。Dry medium led protocorms and seedlings to shrink and die.

只有在添加酵母粉的培养基中才可以生长。Without the Yeast in the medium , strain DL-7 cannot grow.

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结论BWW培养基是精子体外培养较好的培养基。Conclusion BWW is a good medium for external sperm culture.

在某些实施方式中,培养基也含有转化酶。In certain embodiments the media also contain an invertase.

体细胞胚在无激素MS培养基上发育成苗。It developed into complete plants on hormon-free MS medium.