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看看这些历尽沧桑的梦想。Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.

总以为自己已经历尽沧桑的女人Women who always think that they have suffered a lot.

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近10年来她历尽沧桑。She has buffeted about from pillar to post for ten years.

读者还会对他产生一丝嫉妒,羡慕他历尽沧桑依然坚信文学的份量。A touch of envy too, for his certainty that literature mattered.

我们历尽沧桑后仍然在一起,必定是命中注定的。We've been through a lot but we're still together. It must be fate.

许多沿海岸的小乡镇都曾历尽沧桑。Many small communities along the coast have seen good times and bad.

历尽沧桑,你要学会忽略过去。Go through vicissitudes of life , your needing to learn to ignore over.

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历尽沧桑,撒克逊人,盎格鲁人和朱特人混合了他们不同的语言。Through the years, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages.

历尽沧桑,撒克逊人,盎格鲁人和朱特人混合了他们不同的语言。Through the years, the Saxons , Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages.

中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times.

只有悄悄爬上墙头的老藤暗示着它们曾经历尽沧桑,仿佛这在诉说着什么。Oniy the aging vines still are murmuring on the walls as if telling their stories.

听着吧,先生们,女士们,既然我已经历尽沧桑,因此要给你们谈谈爱情。Listen, messieurs et dames, out of the fullness of my experience I will discourse to you of love.

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最伟大的属灵英雄往往是历尽沧桑,不配神重用的人。Some of the greatest faith heroes have been people who had the most broken lives and unworthiness.

文章以大量的历史资料,记录了云南壮剧历尽沧桑、几经起落一路走来的发展历程。The ups and downs development is described in the paper based on large amounts of historical material.

平遥古城历尽沧桑、几经变迁,成为国内现存最完整的一座明清时期中国古代县城的原型。Pingyao, which has experienced many changes, now becomes the most complete ancient town of Ming and Qing dynasty.

中国的末法思潮约在南北朝时期出现,道绰亲逢其盛,历尽沧桑。The trend of final dharma in China started in the South-north dynasty. Dàochuò was in its peak time and went through hardship.

在那些历尽沧桑的年代里,家辉脱颖而出,成为我国最受人尊敬和钦佩的公仆之一。In the years between these milestones, Gary has distinguished himself as one of our nation’s most respected and admired public servants.

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为了理想,为了追求宁愿远离家乡,虽历尽沧桑,独自承受着外界的一切压力,苦练人生,执着前进。For ideal, to pursue rather is far away from the hometown, although experiences the vicissitudes, alone is withstanding outside all pressures, trains hard the life, rigid advance.

“坏男孩固然可恨,但在学校蒙受耻辱则更加令人难受,”艾美摇着脑袋说,似乎已经历尽沧桑,“苏茜·巴金斯今天戴着一枚精致的红玉戒指上学,我羡慕得不得了,恨不得也有一个。than anything bad boys can do, " said Amy, shaking her head, as if her experience of life had been a deep one. "Susie Perkins came to school today with a lovely red carnelian ring.