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有时伐树则是为了牟取木材利润。Sometimes trees are cut for lumber profits.

据估计,这类活动牟取的暴利每年可达几十亿美元。By some estimates, it generates billions of dollars each year.

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该公司发言人说,网易养猪主要是一种公益行为,而非牟取私利。A spokeswoman said Netease's slop-wallowing ambitions are more for the public welfare than private profit.

被告在向各用户提供服务时仅仅收取每本2元的成本费,没有牟取利益。Defendant is only when providing a service to each user every 2 yuan cost expends collection, without obtain interest.

指根据对利率未来趋势的预期,刻意使资产与负债的长短期限有明显差距,借此牟取利益。The process of intentionally mismatching the maturities of assets and liabilities by borrowing short and lending long.

哈扎拉人说他们的对手是与塔利班勾结在一起的嗜血成性的游牧民,整天都想着利用各个种族和宗派之间的紧张关系来牟取利益。The Hazaras say they are facing predatory nomads, allied with the Taliban, who want to exploit inter- ethnic and sectarian tensions.

在巴黎郊区的一间小屋里,警方发现了900瓶葡萄酒和香槟,正准备以牟取不菲利润的价格再卖给餐厅。In a shed in a Paris suburb police found 900 bottles of wine and champagne destined to be resold to restaurants at a comfortable profit.

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从这些投诉中,您不难看出有些装饰公司不惜用偷工减料、粗制滥造等卑劣的手段来牟取不义之财。From these complaints, you can see some decoration companies to use shoddy work, shoddy and other despicable means to reap ill-gotten gains.

但是,用三聚氰胺添加剂饲料,卖方牟取高额利润,因为三聚氰胺废料要比大豆,小麦或玉米的蛋白质要便宜许多。But, by using the melamine additive, the feed seller makes a heftier profit because melamine scrap is much cheaper than soy, wheat or corn protein.

作为世界上最大的铁矿石消费国,中国高度依赖像力拓这样的矿业公司,过去十年它们在中国牟取了巨额利润。As the world’s biggest consumer of iron ore, China is highly dependent on mining companies like Rio Tinto, which in the past decade have amassed huge profits in China.

在其中一个案子中,美国政府向世界贸易组织投诉,中国岐视美国的信用卡和借记卡公司,以为其国有的财务服务公司牟取利益。In one of the WTO cases, the administration said China was discriminating against U.S. credit and debt card companies in favor of a state-owned financial services firm.

第二十七条医师不得利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益。Article Twenty-seven Doctors shall not solicit or illegally accept money or articles from patients or seek other illegitimate gains by taking advantage of one's position.

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最重要的是,所牟取的这些高薪—或者说是应当“得到的”—在我们虚高的金融行业中,侵蚀了我们对真实虚假的辨别力,也腐蚀了我们的判断力。Most of all, the vast riches being earned — or maybe that should be “earned” — in our bloated financial industry undermined our sense of reality and degraded our judgment.

工厂在中国拥有庞大的销售网络,她说,那些零售商都争先恐后的想要从虎骨酒中牟取丰厚利润。The factory has a huge network of salespeople across China, she said, and charges steep distribution fees for anyone who wants to enjoy a slice of the business in tiger wine.

但是这里仍有外国公司牟取利润的空间,特别是那些能提供技术支持让中国铁路超越日本的子弹头和法国高速列车的企业。But there is still money to be made, especially by the foreign firms that have provided the technology to allow China’s trains to overtake Japan’s bullet trains and France’s TGV.

有些股东用公司作为逃避契约或法律义务,牟取非法利益的工具,给经济和社会秩序带来了严重影响。Some shareholders with the company as a contractual or legal obligations to avoid, to seek illegal interests of the tools, to the economic and social order has seriously affected.

“那样的话,我绝不会管你的事情,”州长严厉地说,“为达到个人目的、牟取私利而滥用职权的人不应该得到自由。"Then I decline to interfere, "said the Governor, with asperity, "a man who abuses his office by making it serve a private end and purvey a personal advantage is unfit to be free.

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然而,我国国有控股上市公司内却存在着严重的内部人控制问题,如利用职权牟取灰色收入、在职消费膨胀等。However, our Listed Companies of State-owned exist the serious Insider Control problem, for example making use of the job power to take the gray income, incumbency to consume to inflate etc.

在当代经济生活中,我们经常可以看到个人或利益集团为了牟取自身利益而对政府决策或政府官员施加影响的活动。这种活动实质上是一种租金交易行为。In modern economic life, we often can see those behaviors that people or interest groups try to effect decision-making of the government or the officials so as to obtain their own interests.