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以它入药,可治疗多种疾病。In its medicine, can cure many diseases.

茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。Cornel medicine, liquor health illnesses.

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果仁可以吃还可以入药。Gingko kernels can be a medicinal material.

海螵蛸可以入药,用来止血。Cuttlebone can be used as a medicine to stanch bleeding.

紫草是临床常用中药,具有悠久的入药历史。Lithospermum has been widely used in clinic for a long time.

麻疯树的根、树皮、叶和种子均可入药。Their roots, barks, leaves and seeds can be used as medicines.

姜一般呈不规则块状,味道辛辣。除了作为调味料,还可以入药。Ginger tastes spicy, it can be used both as seasoning and medicine.

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目的探讨竹节防风能否作正品防风入药。Objective To explore whether PT can be used as good medicine as SD.

虎的骨、眼、鼻、胆、胃、血、肉等都可入药。Tiger bone, eye, nose and guts, stomach, blood, meat can be medicine.

中医学上以干燥的花蕾入药,性温,味辛。Chinese medicine to dry on the buds medicines, warm in nature, Pungent.

因乌木性为纯阴,古籍中亦有入药记载。Ebony sex for purely due to overcast, ancient medicine was also recorded.

无花果的果实、叶片、枝干乃至全株均可入药。Fig fruit, leaves, branches and even whole-plant can be used as medicine.

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紫苏,本草科一年生植物,可入药,河源本地人常用它作香料配菜。Basil, annual plants, herbal medicine division, heyuan locals it often makes flavor dishes.

中药里确可常见粳米、糯米、麦粒原封不动入药治病的。In Chinese medicine can indeed common rice, glutinous rice, wheat curative medicine intact.

它是一种有效的抗氧化剂,数世纪以来被印度人和中国人用来入药。It's a powerful antioxidant and has been used in Indian and Chinese medicine for centuries.

野牦牛全身是宝,其心脏、心血、犄角、睾丸、胆等都可入药。Wild yak are the body, Its heart, blood, horn, testosterone , bile and so on can be medicine.

在中国,用新鲜的姜和别的植物来入药已经有几千年的历史了。In China, fresh ginger as a medicine used along with the plant to a few thousand years of history.

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目的研究搀硫酸镁穿山甲洗涤后是否能作穿山甲入药。Objective To research whether pangolin adulterated with magnesium sulfate can goods after lavation.

款冬花又名款冬、冬花,属多年生草本植物,以花蕾入药。Coltsfoot Flower also known as butterbur, winter flowers, is a perennial herb, with flower medicine.

但是自然铜常以未溶解状态的粗糙矿物原粉入药,造成用量大、有效成分难溶解等问题。Pyritum and some compounds with pyritum have many curative effects. It is for oral and external use.