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头部和前肢毛发较短。Head and forelimb of short hair.

狼爪可以切除,足爪与前肢相同。Dewclaws may be removed. Feet as in front.

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前肢,上肢动物前部的附肢,如前腿、前翅、前鳍等。An anterior appendage, such as a leg, wing, or flipper.

人的胳膊与四肢动物的前肢相应。Aperson 's arms homologize with quadruped 's forelimbs.

前肢上覆盖着丰富的卷毛或波浪状的毛发。Forelegs are well covered with abundant curls or waves.

人的胳膊与四肢动物的前肢相应。A person's arms homologize with a quadruped's forelimbs.

每条后肢在行进中都与前肢在同一侧。Each hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side.

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医生说问题在于它的前肢上,不过它不会死的。The doctor said the problem lied in its forelimb and it would not die.

胸应该很宽,非常深,位于两前肢中间。Thechestshould be broad, very deep and well let down between the forelegs.

前肢骨包括肩带骨和游离前肢骨。Forelimb bones included pectoral girdle bone and dissociative forelimb bones.

通过动脉灌注解剖观察了豹的前肢动脉分布。The distribution of forelimb arteries in a leopard was observed by perfusion.

巴拿马的金色树蛙会向他们追求的树蛙挥动小小的前肢。Panamanian golden tree frogs wave their tiny hands to communicate their desires.

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作者应用立体定向内囊前肢毁损术治疗顽固性强迫症3例。Stereotactic capsulotomy was performed in 3 patients with intractable obsession.

夸里奇与这个蝎尾怪兽扭打着,不让它螳螂般的前肢夹住他。He grapples with the manticore, keeping its mantis forelimbs from locking onto him.

肩胛位置恰当,前肢骨骼略呈弓形,但肩胛稳固。Shoulder well placed. The bones of the forelegs slightly bowed but firm at shoulder.

肩胛骨和膀臂是很好肌肉的,导致平直的前肢。The shoulder blade and the upper arm are well-muscled, leading to straight forelegs.

达科他龙的一只前肢也从尾巴所在的岩石中出现。而这真的让人惊讶。One of Dakota's arms has emerged from the tail block as well. And it's a real surprise.

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豹前肢动脉干包括腋动脉、臂动脉、挠动脉。The arterial truck of the forelimb consists of axillary, brachial, and radial arteries.

有了这比一些汽车还长的前肢,它具备了足以匹敌日本战刀一样的武器。With forelimbs longer than some automobiles, he's got weapons to rival a samurai sword.

它已非对称飞羽不仅对前肢,但对后肢以及。It had asymmetric flight feathers not only on the forelimb, but on the hindlimb as well.