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可以请你高抬贵手吗?Can i ask for quarter?

但那柄镰刀偏对一丛花高抬贵手。Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared.

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请高抬贵手,不要惩罚他。Please hold your hand and don't punish him.

不要再吵了。能不能请你高抬贵手?我想过安静的生活。Don't quarrel again. May I ask for quarter? I want to a quiet life.

想请你高抬贵手,帮我填这个关于短片的问卷,才五个问题!谢谢了。Please help us to fill in this survey. Don't worry, there are only 5 questions!

所以请您高抬贵手和贵脚,我不招惹任何组织和个人。So please spare your and your feet, I do not provoke any organizations and individuals.

后者是在西班牙语里意为“圣婴”的厄尔尼诺现象,多头们希望这个小男孩在帮倒忙方面能够高抬贵手。They hope the latter, the weather pattern called El Nino, 'the boy, ' will go easy on them.

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小人真诚地希望进入贵校深造,望各位领导高抬贵手,玉成此事!Villain sincerely hope to enter your school studies, hope all the leaders spare Yucheng this!

小人真诚地希望进入贵校深造,望各位领导高抬贵手,玉成此事!People sincerely hope to enter your school study, hope everybody leadership, it matters right!

那狮子哈哈大笑,对此嗤之以鼻,但还是高抬贵手,把自己勇敢的囚犯放走了。The lion laughed scornfully at this, but he lifted his paw and let his brave prisoner go free.

但其实我是此次的受害者,和万达相比,华谊不过是个小公司,还请您高抬贵手。But I'm the victim here, and Huayi is indeed a small company compared with Wanda, " Feng said."

我愿老师您能尽享世间美好的同时高抬贵手,于人于己皆有好处。I wish the teacher can you enjoy the world better at the same time, in matters to themselves and to others are good.

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美国国会对人民币汇率问题高抬贵手,实在是2008和2009的大衰退中不多的好事之一。ONE of the few good things about the Great Recession of 2008-09 was a merciful absence of complaints from America’s Congress about China’s currency.

老板立即苦苦哀求坐在炉前亲自监工的爱德华高抬贵手,马上取消合同。The boss begs seat Edward overseeing in person in stokehold in a hundred ways immediately please do not be too hard on me this time, right now discharge of contract.

拜仁感觉意大利籍主裁判罗伯托。罗赛蒂在安联球场对里贝里直接出示红牌的决定有些过于严厉,因此请求欧足联高抬贵手。Bayern felt the decision by Italian referee Roberto Rosetti to show a straight red card to Ribery at the Allianz Arena was harsh and called for UEFA to show leniency.

Lifehacker当然是一个靠广告支持的网站,所以我们希望您能高抬贵手,仅仅拦截那些让你实在受不了的个别广告。Lifehacker is, of course, an advertising-supported site, so we'd love it if you kept our ads displaying, opting instead to individually kill only the ones that make your eyeballs itch.

由于我的水平比较业余,请各位专业人士高抬贵手,对本文中的不甚规范的术语和用词不要太挑剔了,谢谢!Because my level compares amateur, ask each professional personage to carry high expensive hand, to the article medium very not normative term is mixed do not want with the word too captious , thank!