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剧组的一半工作人员,超过100个人都离开了。Half our crew, over 100 people, left.

克兰福德剧组终于杀青了。The cast and crew of Cranford finally wrap.

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这三部片子所用的剧组人员有换过吗?Did you have the same crew on all three films?

在同样的一节隧道中,剧组将拍摄大量不同的镜头。In one and the same tunnel, a lot of different scenes are shot.

因为他总是很入戏,“这给整个剧组带来了能量。Because he was always in character, "it gives anenergy to the crew.

克里斯多夫?蒂尔尼的父亲说蒂尔尼想要回到剧组。Christopher Tierney's father says Tierney wants to return to the show.

如果你是百老汇迷,吉姆·卡鲁索剧组派对是您来此必游的地方。If you're a Broadway buff, Jim Caruso's Cast Party is the place to go.

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但在剧组里,欣儿专心于工作,经常会疏忽陈超。But in the cast, devoted to the work of the son, and often neglect Chen.

作为局外人,然后进入一个成熟的剧组是什么样的?What was it like entering an already well-established cast as an outsider?

剧组每天每次用水都要思前想后,精打细算,斤斤计较,节约用水。Water must be cast each day after thinking it prudent, over, to save water.

亦名告诉何导不用操心剧组的事,他会尽力而为。Also tell what guide dont have to worry about the cast, he will do his best.

当大卫·文翰加入剧组扮演法拉默的时候他还没有看过原著。David Wenham hadn't read the books when he joined the production as Faramir.

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GALE说,我去面试了,然后通过了剧组的合格的面试过程。Gale says, I auditioned, and then was cast through a regular audition process.

据媒体报道演员和剧组工作人员是在今天才被通知这部剧被取消的消息的。E! News reports that the cast and crew was informed of L&O's cancellation today.

我听说你和剧组成员在洛杉矶的时候经常去女同酒吧。I hear that you and the cast go out to lesbian bars and clubs in LA quite often.

剧组成员都被他震住了,感叹他可真是遗传了父亲的表演能力。His audition convinced all with comments like "he inherits a lot from his father".

宋承宪知道泰熙爱吃肉,就自费为剧组预备200份肉。SSH said he knew KTH likes eating meat. He personally prepared 200 pieces of meat.

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乔治娜、梅米和凯特随同剧组来到曼彻斯特,但凯瑟琳没有来。Georgina, Mamie and Kate went to Manchesterwith the company, but Catherine did not.

偶尔,会有小孩来剧组参观,我可以看出他们不安地看著我。Sometimes kids would come to the set, and I could see them looking at me anxiously.

张之恒告诉大家,公司并未追究剧组的责任。Constant tell you before, the company did not pursue the responsibility of the cast.