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山洞崩塌了。The cave fell in.

他们通过山洞了!They got through the cave!

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今晚,我们将睡在山洞里。Tonight, we sleep in caves.

熊常在山洞里冬眠。Bears often hibernate in caves.

那个山洞是一个很好的隐蔽处。The cave was a good hiding-place.

我们为什么不沿着原来的山洞走呢?Why don’t we go through the cave?

在山洞里发现的步枪装饰品。Rifle decorations found in a cave.

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我觉得我们还是回到那个山洞。I think we should go into the cave.

第二天,凯西姆来到山洞。The next day , Kasim went to the cave.

我们只能失望地回到山洞里。We head back to our caves, despondent.

在山脚下有个黑黑的山洞。There is a black cave beneath the hill.

这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.

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突然,在黑黢黢的山洞里,他看见了一丝亮光。Suddenly he saw a light in the dark cave.

山洞附近的草都被踏平了。The grass was trodden down near the cave.

到了中午强盗们来视察他们的山洞了。About noon the robbers visited their cave.

柏拉图的山洞之喻是指什么?What is the allegory of the Cave of Plato?

他们发现失踪的孩子躲在山洞里。Thev found the lost child hiding in the cave.

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山洞里黢黑,什么也看不见。The cave is pitch-dark. You can't see anything.

幸运的是他们及时躲进了一个山洞。Fortunately they hid themselves in a cave in time.

金庸小说中存在着大量的山洞意象。In Jinyong s novels there are massive cave images.