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你是偏执狂吗?Are you paranoid?

偏执狂是一种优点。Paranoia is a virtue.

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还有偏执狂。Then there is paranoia.

偏执人格障碍?Paranoid personality disorder?

偏执狂是极聋的演说家。A bigot is a stone-leaf orator.

接下来就是偏执的问题。Next there is the issue of paranoia.

他们利用恐慌和偏执狂。They capitalize on panic and paranoia.

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成功的第一步即是成为偏执狂。Monomania is a prerequisite of success.

并不需要对所有的程序都如此偏执。Not all applications need to be so paranoid.

一个深陷悲愤、偏执市场的家庭往野营。A grief-stricken dysfunctional family goes camping.

偏执妄想,这精神的毁灭者,此刻叩响了我心理的大门。Paranoia, the destroyer, comes knocking on my door.

日本众所周知是一个猜疑外国疾病的偏执狂。Japan is also known for its paranoia of foreign diseases.

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这位减少单一文化的偏执迈出了一小步。It is a small step in reducing the bigotry of monocultures.

也许这并非禅意,只是心内一种宁和的偏执。Maybe it is not just the heart of Zen, a peaceful and paranoia.

在忧郁的日子里,你可能变成偏执狂,觉得每个人都想要吃定你。On blue days you can become noid that everyone is out togetyou.

我已经说过,也一再重复,这是偏执狂的幻见。I already said and repeated, that it is an obsessional phantasy.

你始终还是那个偏执的少年,不可一世。You are still paranoid that the juvenile. Insufferably arrogant.

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但是先往自己头上泼盆冷水再去见那些评论里的偏执大哥们吧。But chill before you go all Big Brother-paranoid in the comments.

在忧郁的日子里,你变成偏执狂,觉得每个人都想要吃定你。On blue days you can become noid that everyone is out to get you.

杜隆坦被排出以后,恐惧与偏执妄想压倒了我的人民。After Durotan was taken away, fear and paranoia overtook my people.