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整件事已经事过境迁了,我不希望你再提起来。I don't want you to mention it again.

事过境迁,现在的互联网业已是一个新形的产业。But times have changed, and the Web is now big business.

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别为事过境迁而哭泣,要为曾经拥有而高兴。Don't cry because it's over now, laugh because it happened.

事过境迁,物是人非,不因任何人停留。Things change and friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody.

因为大部分衣服,大部分的爱情,在事过境迁后,也就只是记忆中的,一个闪烁。Most of clothes, most of love, after years, is only a flash in memory.

只有在事过境迁,我们才领悟到神容许这些不如意的事发生,本意是美好的。Only in hindsight do we understand how God intended a problem for good.

整件事已经事过境迁了,我不希望你再提起来。The whole matter is dead and buried and I don't want you to mention it again.

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个人的危机也像国家的危机一样,要等到事过境迁,才能痛定思痛。The crises of individuals, like the crises of nations, are not realized until they are over.

事过境迁,她接受专访时透露其实在人后却哭成泪人。During the interview, she revealed that she cried her heart out every night when she was alone.

每每事过境迁,想到自己说出的这些毫无智慧的话,心虚得不得了。After that, whenever I thought of saying these uncultured meaningless words, I would feel deeply guilty.

事过境迁,我们已经无法了解前人怎会为我们做出如此巨大的牺牲。It's a way for us to understand what is almost incomprehensible, how people could sacrifice so much for us.

事过境迁,有利我们更能看清历史背后的前因后果,但愿当日我们曾经采取不同的处理方法,甚或完全无须处理。With the benefit of historical hindsight we can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at all.

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然而,关乎智慧以及人生课堂,往往都是在事过境迁之后的反思中才能得以领悟。The thing with wisdom, and often with life lessons in general, is that they're learned in retrospect, long after we needed them.

事过境迁,已经忘记别人所作所为的你,还是会对他们迁怒,因为你已经习惯如此了。Long after you’ve forgotten what the other person actually did, you’re still focused on being mad at them because you’re stuck in that habit.

作为一名已事过境迁的进气平在一个较高的量的空气可以凉快很多,你的引擎能呼吸更容易与限制股票系统。As a cold air intake draws in a higher volume of air which may be much cooler, your engine can breathe easier than with a limiting stock system.

我们都听过有人在困境中向主许愿,但事过境迁后,对神许的愿便忘得一乾二净。We all know of people who made a promise to the Lord when they were in trouble. But then things got better, and they forgot their promise to God.

然而,如此的干涉应用于停止迫近或正在发生的屠杀事件,不应等到事过境迁,过去的罪行已被置之不理后才提出干涉这些恶行的行动。But such interventions should be reserved for stopping an imminent or ongoing slaughter. They shouldn’t be used belatedly to address atrocities that were ignored in the past.