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或者自己在家中淹榨菜来吃。Or their own home flooded eat mustard.

首先我们把买来的生榨菜洗干净。First of all, we bought raw mustard cleaned.

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榨菜是涪陵最为鲜明、最具特色的旅游资源。Zhacai is a highly characteristic tourist resource of Fuling.

本发明可广泛应用于榨菜生产企业。The invention can be widely used for enterprises of tuber mustard production.

麦寮主要种植作物以榨菜、花生、西瓜、大蒜、稻米为主要。The main crops in Mailiao are mustard, peanuts, watermelons, garlic and rice.

我怀孕三个多月了,也特别喜欢吃榨菜。I am more than three months pregnant, and also particularly like to eat mustard.

探讨了以新鲜大头菜为原料,生产榨菜的加工工艺。This paper discuss the processing technology of raw preserved szechuan pickle on preserved szechuan pickle.

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盐渍绿榨菜、鸭梨各半,切丝,拌以白糖、桂花和葡萄干、色味俱佳。Pickled green mustard, pear in half, shred, mix with sugar, sweet-scented osmanthus, and raisins, color taste superb.

同时介绍了低盐化小袋装榨菜加工、保鲜、贮藏技术。The whole process concerning technique of small-package, fresh-keeping, and storage were also summarized accordingly.

鲫鱼麻辣鲜嫩,辅之小调料花生脆香、榨菜醇香、火葱的芳香,均在口中迸发出来,味道一流。Crucian carp is spicy, tender, and sends out the fragrance of crisp peanut, salted vegetable and shallot while eating.

榨菜在生产中极易受到细菌的污染,使塑料袋装榨菜发生胖袋和变质。The hot pickled mustard tuber is liable to be polluted by the bacteria, it was metamorphosed and the plastic bag bulges.

施钾肥提高了榨菜氨基酸含量,改善了榨菜营养品质。Potassium fertilizer can increase the content of amino acid in the tumorous stem mustard, and improve nutritional quality of it.

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但是,我发现我吃一块面包健康干杯与有机榨菜少许牛油它平静我最好。However, I've found that for me, eating a piece of health bread toasted with a little organic unsalted butter on it calms me best.

其生产工艺与四川榨菜的生产工艺相似,口味以芥辣辛香而见长。The production own charateristic of modern sauce vegetable, and the production technology is like Sichuan tsatsai. but the flavour is tasty.

本研究以榨菜无菌苗子叶、茎段为外植体,研究通过不同的再生方法建立的再生体系。Cotyledons and stems with axillary buds of tuber mustard were used as explants, and regeneration systems were developed by different regeneration methods.

本试验以涪陵榨菜为原料,结合其配方的优化,研究了主要加工工艺对榨菜品质的影响。Using Fuling mustard as material, the effect of main manufacturing technology on the quality of mustard was studied combined with its premium formulation.

本文对榨菜生产过程中产生的腌制盐水的利用问题进行了探讨,指出将腌制盐水加工为榨菜调味液是目前实现榨菜清洁化生产的最佳方案。This article discussed the utilization of Zhacai pickle brine. The best program of cleaning production of zhacai was that pickle brine was transformed into Zhacai sauce.

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张,烤鸡肉、虾仁、蘑菇、新鲜番茄、榨菜和阿尔弗雷多奶香酱,中西合璧的独特风味带来似曾相识却又别具一格的美味体验。Taste the difference! Tasty and tender Grilled Chicken, sweet Shrimp, fresh Mushrooms, juicy Tomatoes and Pickles, topped off with a unique, delicious, creamy Alfredo Sauce.

本试验以人工合成的榨菜和紫甘蓝离体嫁接嵌合体为试验材料,对其植株形态,酸性磷酸酯酶同工酶及分子标记等进行了研究。In this study, the morphological characters of chimeras of tuber mustard and red cabbage were described, the acid phosphatase isozyme banding patterns and the molecular marker were analyzed.