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美貌与贞洁常相斥。Beauty and chastity seldom meet.

除非与祢结合,我不会贞洁!Nor chaste, except you ravish me.

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我确信他是贞节的人,就像月亮一样贞洁。I am sure he is chaste as the moon is.

也就是说,“龟”的老婆一定是不贞洁的。In other words, "turtle" and wife must be unchaste.

贞洁的白袍沾满了你的泪痕。But when tears stained thy robe of vestal-whiteness.

这个宗教强调男女的贞洁。This religion emphasizes chasteness in women and men.

他不知道他已经冒犯了这位贞洁的女神。Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess.

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你的人要保护他-卫生组织-采取了你的贞洁。You're the one who wants to protect he-who-took-your-virginity.

起初它代表了一种亲密的关系,现在这种贞洁带都在锁住的是太太们。First it's like "get intimate", now it's all "lock up the goodies".

如果你不贞洁,洁净,就不会经历复活。If you're not chaste and pure, you won't experience the resurrection.

任何一个贞洁的妇女都不应该和你这样的男人同坐在一个房间里。You were a man whom no chaste woman should sit in the same room with.

该发誓的贞洁创造只是一个禁止性障碍婚姻。The vow of chastity creates only a prohibitory impediment to marriage.

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许多贞洁贤淑的娘儿们,都是这样蒙上了不白之冤。And many worthy and chaste dames even thus, All guiltless, meet reproach.

她向自己发问,贞洁这个东西,一旦失去了就永远失去了吗?Was once lost always lost really true of chastity? she would ask herself.

有时我会想,如果我现在是青少年,我是否会保持我的贞洁。I sometimes wonder whether I would stay a virgin if I was a teenager today.

白色与光、善良、天真、纯洁和贞洁联系在一起。White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity.

只有真正贞洁的女人才谈得上真正纯洁的爱情。Wholly pure sentiments are to be found only in women who are wholly chaste.

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一个有贞洁的人永远不会被附体,相信我的话,永远不会。A chaste man can never get possessed, take it from Me – can never get possessed.

信口说她,说,我见你的女儿没有贞洁的凭据。Now he has slandered her and said, 'I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.'

就是贞洁灵魂的象徵。That the first entrance of the holy synaxis is a symbol of the virtues of the soul.