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“血浆,”第三个说。"Plasma," says the vampire.

负O型血和新鲜冷冻血浆到了吗?O neg and fresh frozen on the way?

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胎儿DNA潜藏于母亲的血浆中。Foetal DNA floats in mother's plasma

负O型血和新鲜冷冻血浆送来了!O neg and fresh frozen plasma's here!

目的用去白细胞去血浆疗法治疗类风湿关节炎。Objective To cure the RA using Leuco-PE.

血浆前白蛋白明显增高。Prealbumin in plasma was improved in TNA group.

告诉她病人需要抽血浆。And tell her the patient needs a plasmapheresis.

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血浆样品用乙醚提取。And the plasma sample was extracted with aether.

血浆胰岛素、C肽采用放免法测定。Plasma insulin and C-peptide were measured by RIA.

用硝酸还原酶法检测血浆和脑组织中NO含量。The content of NO was detected with Griess method.

多发性骨髓瘤是一种血浆细胞癌症。Multiple myeloma is a cancer of blood plasma cells.

此外,肌肽还能降低血浆皮质酮的水平。And it also reduced the plasma corticosterone level.

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血浆LEP水平则是反映人体内脂肪总最的生物学标志之一。LEP can serve as a biomarker of total body fat mass.

血细胞就是像在血浆里漂浮的红色血细胞.Blood cells like red blood cells float in the plasma.

针灸可以改善血浆粘度值。Acupuncture treatment can also improve plasm viscosity.

采用二次离心法提取富血小板血浆。PRP was extracted by the two-step centrifugation method.

女子血浆是从不同的孤蛋?Of woman plasm is different from the parthenogenetic egg?

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血浆置换治疗明显优于血浆输注。Plasmapheresis prior to plasma infusion in TTP treatment.

放免法测定血浆心钠素浓度。Plasma ANP concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay.

门静脉压力与血浆ET、肝组织ET呈正相关。The FPP was positively correlated with serum and hepatic ET.