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而它所产生的影响也是不可估量的。Its influence has been immeasurable.

对于平民,这项研究成果更是具有不可估量的作用。For civilians, the impact would incalculable.

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这个案子的政治影响是不可估量的。The political implications of this case are inestimable.

但是,不变的仍然是他不可估量的声望。What is likely to remain, however, is his inestimable popularity.

链斗式挖泥船在浅滩整治,河道疏通方面起着不可估量的作用。The bucket dredger in Shoal, dredge river plays an invaluable role.

而该山对世界气候有着不可估量的影响。But this mountain has the inestimable influence to the world climate.

各国为此而付出的医疗、安全和法律代价不可估量。The medical, security, and legal costs to countries are incalculable.

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虽然寥寥数语,但这样激励所起的作用是不可估量的。Although a few words, but The role of such incentives are inestimable.

我从数不清的在线资源中得到的帮助,价值不可估量,即使到现在还是这样。The help I got from numerous on-line sources was invaluable. It still is.

非物质文化遗产具有不可估量的潜能和价值。The intangible cultural heritages are unfathomably potential and valuable.

我们联邦联盟的不可估量的价值为众人所感受和认可。The inestimable value of our Federal Union is felt and acknowledged by all.

造纸术的发明,对人类文化的传播起到不可估量的作用。This invention played an incalculably important role in the spread of culture.

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他们的信息和在一起,对莫斯科具有不可估量的价值。Put together, their information should have been of inestimable value to Moscow.

施者会同时认知到他自己与邻人不可估量的价值。The doer recognizes his own and his neighbor's inestimable worth simultaneously.

笆笆拉自身的销售经验对我的问题解决具有不可估量的价值。Barbara 's own sales experience was invaluable in cutting to the real issues I had.

阿赫玛托娃的诗歌对同时代及其后来的诗人产生了不可估量的影响。Her poetry has a great impact on the poets at the same era with her and afterwards.

那段职业的“空窗期”对我今后的人生和我的家庭都起到了不可估量的重要作用。That break in my career was personally important for my family and me in lasting ways.

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爱情的力量是不可估量的。安杰拉把一位亚洲的无神论者逼进一个西方的教堂。The power of love is invincible . Angel forced an Asian atheist into a Western church.

重大灾害与风险的发生,给社会造成了不可估量的损失。When graveness disaster and risk happened, It resulted in the loss which can't estimate.

Brown对她的钦佩不可估量,他希望她能在突袭中陪伴他。Brown's admiration for her was immeasurable, and he wanted her to accompany him on the raid.