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他是个心平气和而讲理的人。He is a calm and reasonable man.

她镇定自若,心平气和且很友好。She was very calm, quiet and friendly.

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你最好心平气和地同他讲理。You'd better reason things out with him calmly.

让我们心平气和地坐下来谈一谈。Let's sit down and have a calm and sensible talk.

接着你非常心平气和地却又命令式地说“停下”。Then you very calmly, yet authoritatively say "Stop."

心平气和的抚慰你的灵魂和头发。Soothe your soul and your hair with calming techniques.

“现在我们可以谈谈了。”克劳迪亚最后心平气和地说道。"Now we can talk, " said Claudia finally with a calm voice.

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当他们的孩子做错事时,他们心平气和地对待他们。When their children misbehaved, they dealt with them calmly.

对不起,安狄。我们能不能心平气和地谈一谈?Excuse me, Andy. Could we just discuss this calmly and civilly?

她现在可以心平气和地面对过去的枷锁,然后继续向前生活。She could now move forward and throw off the shackles of the past.

娜塔莎不能心平气和地望见他那副惨样子。Natasha could not see him in such a piteous plight without emotion.

但我心平气和地顶住了家人的嘲笑和奚落。But I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good humouredly.

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人们总是觉得在听过舒缓的音乐后感到自己心平气和。People often report feeling calmer after listening to calming music.

一场激烈争论过后,你怎么还能保持如此心平气和,镇静自若?How can you stay so cool calm and collected after such a hot argument?

商人越是无理,搬运工却显得越加心平气和。The more abusive the businessman became, the calmer the porter seemed.

这样一场激烈的争论过后,你怎么还能保持如此心平气和,镇静自若?。How can you stay so cool, calm and collected after such a hot argument?

但他补充说大部分的抗议者都是心平气和的。But he added that the vast majority of demonstrators were good-humoured.

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我怎样才能控制情绪,以使每天卓有成效呢?除非我心平气和,否则迎来的又将是失败的一天。And dhow will I master these emotions so that each day will be productive?

所以我们会心平气和,看看下周以后一切会不会尘埃落定。So we'll let the dust settle and see what happens over the next week or so.

安定情绪,净化心灵,心平气和,抗沮丧、惊慌。Emotional stability, the purification of the mind, calm, anti-depression, panic.