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这种新式武器太惨无人道而不宜使用。The new weapon was too inhumane to be used.

所以我知道纳粹是惨无人道的。So I think I know what the Nazis were bad of.

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这些人有许多是被惨无人道、令人发指地杀死的。Many of these people died brutal, horrible deaths.

法西斯分子惨无人道地屠杀了那些妇女儿童。The fascists massacred those women and children in cold blood.

他称自己感到“毛骨悚然”、“惨无人道”。Clinton, called them "hair-raising"and "crimes against humanity.

看了,那个杀手真是惨无人道,连老太太都杀。Yeah, the killer was completely unfeeling. He even killed old ladies!

这一惨无人道的凶案震惊了中国乃至全世界。This exceedingly inhumane incident shocked the whole nation, and indeed the whole world.

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苏言拓先生告知艾尔。心它广播,任何法规都不能为这惨无人道的袭击辩解。Earlier, Mr Suyanto told El Shinta radio that nothing could justify the "inhuman" attack.

对巫术的迷信也导致了近些年惨无人道的杀戮和肢解案件。African belief in witchcraft has also led to horrific murders and mutilations in recent years.

在经过10分钟对那个丑女人的惨无人道的嘲笑后,我发现那是我妈戴着假发。After about 10 minutes of ridiculing and laughing at this ugly woman, I realize it's my mom in a wig.

在美国,每年都有大量的狗狗接受惨无人道的雄性阉割手术或者雌性生殖器切割术。Millions of brutal forced castrations and female genital mutilations take place every year in America.

听说我们残忍的侄子跑到了英格兰和爱尔兰,一点也不会他们惨无人道的弑父而悔恨。We hear our bloody cousins are bestowed in England and in Ireland, not confessing their cruel parricide.

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以美国为首的英国、法国近期在利比亚进行了惨无人道的虐杀,无不让世人再次震惊。United States-led Britain, France, Libya, recently conducted a brutal murder, no not to shock the world again.

您整日闷闷不乐是因为您惨无人道,作恶多端。You are day and night oppressed with the sting of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed.

不遵守这一基本原则,就直接导致惨无人道的奴役和恐怖的种族灭绝。Failure to observe this fundamental principal leads directly to the inhumanity of slavery and the horror of genocide.

这个地方,许多人犯了重罪却未绳之以法,囚犯却过着惨无人道的生活。A place where many people convicted of serious crimes go unpunished, and those in prison live out a brutalised existence.

更有一些记录了惨无人道的官员打人,虐待人,没收土地,甚至是谋杀。There are reports of beatings and torture, confiscated land, even murder at the hands of powerful and unscrupulous officials.

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这部军用中国语教科书有力地证明了二战期间日本帝国主义对中国所进行的惨无人道的军事侵略。The textbook strongly proves the cruel and inhuman military invasion of China by Japanese Imperialism in the Second World War.

是因为一语道破真相对我们来说太惨无人道而真相却如此显而易见?Is it possible that it's because we're too scared and it's too hard to say the one obvious truth that's staring everyone in the face?

终于老板大发善心,暑期来临,我终于可以进入惨无人道的复习状态了。Finally, my boss became so benevolent that we have a summer holiday this year. Now I can review GRE inhumanly eventually. Hilarity or wrench?