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赵的遗体被盖上党旗。Zhao's body was draped in the party flag.

紫金绣庄目前正准备为这面党旗申报吉尼斯世界纪录。They are now preparing to apply for a Guinness record.

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要按照规定制作和使用党徽党旗。Party emblems and flags should be made and used according to regulations.

中国北京,工人们在京工红旗厂熨烫党旗。Workers use irons to smooth out a Chinese flag at the Jingong Red Flag factory.

联邦选举委员会宣布严格禁止公开展示政党党旗标识名称。Even the public display of flags bearing the names or logos of parties remains strictly prohibited.

为增强艺术效果,前舱顶还精刻了党旗、后舱顶刻制了和平鸽。To enhance the artistic effect, the former Cangding also fine carved flag after Cangding engraving of the dove of peace.

记者在现场看到,这面巨大的党旗质感精美、细腻,金黄色的镰刀斧头光泽感非常强。According to the reporter, the huge flag is exquisite and smooth, with its embroidered golden axe and sickle shiny and glossy.

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外国记者被胡百万扣押了下来,他在记者的照相机里发现了那张背景是党旗的王小红的照片。Foreign journalists have been hu millions seized down, he told camera found that one party of the background is WangXiaoGong photos.

葬礼之上,高胜寒看着父亲盖着鲜红党旗的遗体,脑海中不断回忆起他留给自己最后的话语。On the funeral, Goldman sachs cold looks to his father and covered with the body of the red flag, continuously recall to mind he left for his last words.

星期五早些时候,几万名抗议者挥舞著党旗,高喊反对君主制的口号,在首都加德满都城外的拉兰基区游行。Earlier Friday, tens of thousands of protesters marched, waved party flags and chanted anti-monarchy slogans in the Kalanki district on the outskirts of the capital, Kathmandu.

总统的办公大楼在奥斯陆爆炸中严重的遭到破坏,总理领导的挪威政工党旗下的青年营,在周五一共有700人参加。The prime minister, whose office was badly damaged in the Oslo blast, leads Norway's Labour Party, which runs the youth camp, where about 700 people were in attendance on Friday.