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在那儿,就像那黑炭色的梨子。Where, like the charcoal pears, the crows.

研究者测试了土壤中黑炭和有机碳的数量,发现黑炭的含量比所预期的要高许多。So the more black carbon there is in the soil, the less CO2 is released.

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几百年来灌木燃烧留下了大量黑炭。Bush fires in Australia leave high levels of black carbon in the soil for hundreds of years.

在世界人人高呼“美白”口号时,日本却反道而行,使用黑炭美容。Everyone in the world Shouting "white" slogan, Japan was the word, use black charcoal beauty.

他说,淤积在北极冰雪中的黑炭,对其反射率只有极小的作用。Black carbon deposited on the Arctic snow and ice, he says, will have only a minimal effect on its reflectivity.

在亚洲和非洲,炉具制造了大部份的黑炭,虽然它也来自于柴油机和化石燃料。In Asia and Africa, stoves produce the bulk of black carbon, although it also emanates from diesel engines and coal plants there.

模式E是一种海洋-大气互补模式,次模式中的巨大能量来源——即我们所说的黑炭——会影响到全球气候。ModelE is a coupled ocean-atmosphere model that shows how various inputs — in our case black carbon — would affect global climate.

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接着他就发现两个男孩的眼镜完全想黑炭一样黑漆漆的,没有一点眼白。Their heads are just a black circle with no facial features being discernible. They are totally two dimensional, without any depth.

的口头报告。与会者就关于生物黑炭施用对稻田温室气体排放的影响,以及甲烷和氧化亚氮排放的关系,生物黑炭对污染稻田重金属。Biochar Amendment on Rice Yield, Greenhouse Gases Emission from Heavy Metal Polluted and Non-polluted Paddies from the Tai Lake Plain, China.

当黑炭颗粒随着时间漫延,它们不象温室气体那样有着全球性的分步,科学家们发现它们会漂移。While black carbon particles tend to settle over time and do not have the global reach of greenhouse gases, they do travel, scientists now realize.

假如你降低甲烷或黑炭的排放量,那会有助于降低诸如下个世纪的全球变暖的峰值。"If you reduce emissions of methane or black carbon, it would help you trim the peak warming that will be achieved in the next century or so," Solomon says.

这篇论文显示我们需要进一步研究黑炭,对此展开讨论如何提高气候模型的精确性非常重要。It's important to lead these discussions on how to make these climate models more accurate and this paper shows that we should be studying black carbon more.

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假如你降低甲烷或黑炭的排放量,那会有助于降低诸如下个世纪的全球变暖的峰值。"If you reduce emissions of methane or black carbon, it would help you trim the peak warming that will be achieved in the next century or so, " Solomon says.

实际上,这周发布的一个联合国报告指出降低黑炭和甲烷的燃烧排放量将会在未来四十年让全球变暖减缓一半。In fact, a UN report to be released this week found that reducing emissions of black carbon and methane would cut global warming in half over the next forty years.

日记里的第一张画用的是鲜明的水彩,接下来都是黑白的,最后一张是用黑炭条和铅笔画的。The first sketches of the diary are painted in vivid water-colours, but the following pages were done only in black. The last pages were drawn with black crayon and pens.

在美国和欧洲,通过现在要求的用于对付空气颗粒污染的过滤器和刷具,黑炭的排放已经大幅减少。In the United States and Europe, black carbon emissions have already been reduced significantly by filters and scrubbers that are now required to fight local particulate air pollution.

但是来自于成千上万个象这样的小村庄的烟尘——又叫黑炭,正在成为全球气候变化的一个曾被忽视的重要根源。But soot — also known as black carbon — from millions of villages like this one in developing countries, is emerging as a major and previously unappreciated source of global climate change.

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然而火上上喷发出来的硫化物会使大气层上部的空气暖好几度。黑炭吸收太阳散发的热量,并且会导致气温上升的高的多。Whereas sulfate particles from a volcano might warm the air of the upper atmosphere by a couple degrees, black carbon absorbs heat from the sun and can lead to much more atmospheric warming.

在木乃伊的头部,研究者发现了一块黑炭,刚好是国王的尸体防腐者用来吸收腐败气体的原料。On the neck of the mummified head, researchers found a black band of carbon, which matched the ingredients that the king's embalmer had reported using on the body to absorb decomposition odors.

将炉具改为低烟尘可以很快地消除黑炭的暖化效应,而化石燃料熄灭后要好几年才能实质性地将空气中的二氧化碳的浓度降下来。Converting to low-soot cook stoves would quickly remove the warming effects of black carbon, while shutting down a coal plant takes years to substantially reduce global carbon dioxide concentrations.