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但是他在耐力上比我强。But he outstays me.

神经生长液可增强小鼠的耐力。NGD can raise stamina of mice.

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为了增强耐力,他每天都进行跑步锻炼。He runs every day to hone his stamina.

长跑运动员耐力要强。Long-distance runners need staying-power.

爱情,就好像一场耐力赛。Love, it seems that endurance has a match.

不要把耐力赛当作冲刺来对待。Don't treat an endurance race like a sprint.

中长跑是一项需要耐力的运动。Mid-long run is a movement that need endurance.

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将米熬成粥,需要有足够的耐力。Rice porridge will need to have enough endurance.

浪人和战士将得到比较多的耐力了。Rogues and Fighters now get a little more Stamina.

洛克希德马丁作战服可增强力量和耐力。Lockheed Martin suit increases strength, endurance.

立位耐力试验是一项实用技术。Orthostatic tolerance test is a practical technique.

1923年第一届勒芒24小时耐力赛在公路上进行。The race, first run in 1923, is run on public roads.

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昨天,奥迪又一次赢得了勒芒24小时耐力赛。Audi—again—won the 24-hour race at Le Mans yesterday.

当AMP上升,耐力代谢很快。When AMP levels rise, the endurance circuit kicks in.

我也会参加自行车耐力赛,非常的有乐趣。I also did an enduro race, which was really great fun!

该阿克哈-特克斯是马非凡的耐力。The Akhal-Tekes are horses of extraordinary endurance.

其次,还要看看耐力板透明度高不高。Second, seeing endurance high transparency is not high.

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长距离游泳者有着难以置信的耐力。The long-distance swimmer had incredible staying power.

这项练习对耐力和憋气的要求极为大。This requires tremendous discipline and breath control.

谎言有速度,但是真理有耐力---埃德加.J。摩恩。A lie has speed, but truth has endurance---Edgar J. Mohn.